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Installation of ILU

This document describes the installation of version 2.0alpha7 of the Inter-Language Unification (ILU) system.

If you succeed in installing ILU on a particular platform, we'd appreciate it if you could send a note to ilu-core@parc.xerox.com telling us (1) what operating system you succeeded with, and what version of that OS, (2) which versions of what compilers you used, and (3) which version of ILU you used. We're accumulating a list of operating systems and compilers that work with ILU. If you had to make any changes to make it work on your system, please send them along, and we'll incorporate them into the next release.

Installing on a UNIX System


You will need an ANSI C compiler to build and install ILU, along with an ANSI C-compliant `libc.a'. Note that GNU gcc doesn't always work as an ANSI C compiler. The simple test we use to qualify a compiler is whether it can compile and link the following program without warnings or errors:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main(int ac, char **av) {
 int i = INT_MAX;
 char *p = (char *) malloc(1048);
 memmove(p, *av, strlen(*av)+1);
 printf("%s %d\n", p, i);
 return 0;

ILU requires the imake program from the MIT X Consortium release of the X Window System, version 4 or later. This is available via FTP from the ftp servers ftp.x.org on the East Coast, or gatekeeper.dec.com on the West Coast. You can also get it from@br ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/ilu/imake/imake.tar.gz.

ILU normally provides support for a number of languages, currently ANSI C, C++, Modula-3, Python, and Common Lisp (Franz Allegro 4.2, and Harlequin LispWorks), but the 2.0alpha release only contains support for ANSI C, C++, and Python.

For the Impatient

You can try just unpacking it, and typing

% make

at the top of the source tree. A minimal configuration using defaults will be built, sufficient for testing.

Real Configuration

Begin by creating two directories: one, ILUHOME, to install the ILU in, and the other, ILUSRC, to unpack the sources in, and build the system in. It is often convenient if ILUSRC is a sub-directory of ILUHOME, but it is not necessary. At PARC, we use `/import/ilu' for ILUHOME, and `/import/ilu/src' for ILUSRC.

Copy the compressed tar file `ilu-2.0alpha7.tar.Z' or `ilu-2.0alpha7.tar.gz' to ILUSRC. Uncompress it if necessary with the uncompress or gunzip program:

% uncompress ilu-2.0alpha7.tar.Z


% gunzip ilu-2.0alpha7.tar.gz

Then unpack the tar file:

% tar xf ilu-2.0alpha7.tar

ILU uses the GNU autoconf system to configure the release, before building. The very simplest way to configure your system is type type

% ./configure

at the top of the source tree.

What will happen is that ILUSRC/imake/configure will go out and look along the value of your PATH environment variable for various executable programs. If it finds cc, it will assume that you want to build ANSI C support for ILU. If it finds m3, it will assume that you want to build Modula-3 support for ILU. If it finds cl or franz, it will assume that you want to build Lisp support for ILU. If it finds python, it will assume that you want to build Python support for ILU. If it finds CC or cxx or c++, it will assume that you want to build C++ support for ILU. It will also assume that the first executable with an appropriate name is the one you wish to use for compiling programs in that language. By default, it will assume that you wish to include support only for using ONC RPC over TCP/IP. By default, it will assume that you do not wish to provide support for OMG IDL.

imake must be on your path, or in `/usr/bin/X11/', for the build to work properly.

configure Options

The program configure can be invoked with a number of options, to customize the build for your site. It actually supports more options than shown here, but these are the only options that will work at this point in the release process.

Features that are enabled by --enable-FEATURE may also be explicitly disabled with --disable-FEATURE.

The particular ANSI C compiler to use may be specified by setting the environment variable CC to the full path name of the C compilation command before running configure. Similarly, the particular C++ compiler to use may be specified by setting the environment variable CXX to the full path name of the C++ compilation command to use.


Now that you have configured the release, do the following to build the system. Note that the capitalization of the arguments to make is important.

  1. Set your working directory to ILUSRC:
    % cd ILUSRC

  2. Build the system with the command:
    % make

  3. You can then try a simple test with:
    % cd ILUSRC/examples/test1
    % make test
    ../../stubbers/c/c-stubber  Test1.isl
    header file for interface Test1 to ./Test1.h...
    common code for interface Test1 to ./Test1-common.c...
    code for surrogate stubs of interface Test1 to ./Test1-surrogate.c...
    code for true stubs of interface Test1 to ./Test1-true.c...
    ../../stubbers/c/c-stubber  Test2.isl
    header file for interface Test2 to ./Test2.h...
    common code for interface Test2 to ./Test2-common.c...
    code for surrogate stubs of interface Test2 to ./Test2-surrogate.c...
    code for true stubs of interface Test2 to ./Test2-true.c...
    ../../stubbers/c/c-stubber  Test3.isl
    header file for interface Test3 to ./Test3.h...
    common code for interface Test3 to ./Test3-common.c...
    code for surrogate stubs of interface Test3 to ./Test3-surrogate.c...
    code for true stubs of interface Test3 to ./Test3-true.c...
    rm -f clnt.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel clnt.c
    rm -f Test1-surrogate.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test1-surrogate.c
    rm -f Test1-common.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test1-common.c
    rm -f Test2-surrogate.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test2-surrogate.c
    rm -f Test2-common.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test2-common.c
    rm -f Test3-surrogate.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test3-surrogate.c
    rm -f Test3-common.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test3-common.c
    rm -f client
    cc  -g -I. -o client  clnt.o Test1-surrogate.o Test1-common.o \
      Test2-surrogate.o Test2-common.o Test3-surrogate.o Test3-common.o \
      ../../runtime/c/libilu-c.a ../../runtime/kernel/libilu.a 
    rm -f srvr.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel srvr.c
    rm -f Test1-true.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test1-true.c
    rm -f Test3-true.o
    cc -c  -g -I. -I../../runtime/c -I../../runtime/kernel Test3-true.c
    rm -f server
    cc  -g -I. -o server  srvr.o Test1-common.o Test1-true.o \
      Test2-common.o Test3-common.o Test3-true.o \
      ../../runtime/c/libilu-c.a ../../runtime/kernel/libilu.a
    Starting server...
    Running client against server...
    Client run successful.
    Killing server...
    ./testserver: 27469 Terminated
    Exiting with status 0.

  4. If the build goes well, install the system with the command
    % cd ILUSRC
    % make Install

  5. After the installation is complete, you may remove extra files in ILUSRC with the command
    % make Clean
    You may wish to use make Clean at any time, to get your system into a consistent state.

  6. If you change the configuration files, you should clean the system with the command `make Clean', and redo the installation starting at step 2. If you run into problems that can be fixed without changing the configuration files, you can re-build the system by starting at step 3.

Environment Variables

ILU tools use a number of UNIX environment variables under the covers.

Testing the Build

There are several ways to test the build. The most straightforward is to build and install it somewhere. Set up your environment variables as described above. Then make a scratch directory, which we'll refer to as TESTDIR, and do the following:

% cp ILUHOME/examples/test1/* .
% ilumkmf
% make client server
ILUHOME/bin/c-stubber  Test1.isl
header file for interface Test1 to ./Test1.h...
common code for interface Test1 to ./Test1-common.c...
code for surrogate stubs of interface Test1 to ./Test1-surrogate.c...
code for true stubs of interface Test1 to ./Test1-true.c...
ILUHOME/bin/c-stubber  Test2.isl
header file for interface Test2 to ./Test2.h...
common code for interface Test2 to ./Test2-common.c...
code for surrogate stubs of interface Test2 to ./Test2-surrogate.c...
code for true stubs of interface Test2 to ./Test2-true.c...
ILUHOME/bin/c-stubber  Test3.isl
header file for interface Test3 to ./Test3.h...
common code for interface Test3 to ./Test3-common.c...
code for surrogate stubs of interface Test3 to ./Test3-surrogate.c...
code for true stubs of interface Test3 to ./Test3-true.c...
rm -f clnt.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  clnt.c
rm -f Test1-surrogate.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test1-surrogate.c
rm -f Test1-common.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test1-common.c
rm -f Test2-surrogate.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test2-surrogate.c
rm -f Test2-common.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test2-common.c
rm -f Test3-surrogate.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test3-surrogate.c
rm -f Test3-common.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test3-common.c
rm -f client
cc -g -o client clnt.o Test1-surrogate.o Test1-common.o \
  Test2-surrogate.o Test2-common.o Test3-surrogate.o \
  Test3-common.o  ILUHOME/lib/libilu-c.a \
rm -f srvr.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  srvr.c
rm -f Test1-true.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test1-true.c
rm -f Test3-true.o
cc -c -g -I. -IILUHOME/include  Test3-true.c
rm -f server
cc -g -o server srvr.o Test1-common.o Test1-true.o \
  Test2-common.o Test3-common.o Test3-true.o \
  ILUHOME/lib/libilu-c.a ILUHOME/lib/libilu.a
% ./server &
[1] 7079
% exported ilu:Test1-Server/Test1_Initial_Object;ilu%3AiX2w6hjR-...
% ./client
u._d=5, u._u.boolean = 1, u._u.O1 = 0x1ffee7c
got O2, sbh = ilu:Test1-SunRPC-Server/1;ilu%3AaUtts57Ywbp2fxe6+-...
making O3...
got O3, sbh = ilu:Test1-Server/2;ilu%3An+eRrvAZ8JB9v2qoX7sJGPxdX...
u._d=3, u._u.boolean = 0, u._u.O1 = 0xd2b78
got O3, sbh = ilu:Test1-Server/3;ilu%3Ab-mNa9uj0TsJAp7YrlEh0AUfX...
Test3.O.O1-U-to-U(0xd7520, {3})
u._d=3, u._u.boolean = 0, u._u.O1 = 0xd2b78
Test3_O_I_to_Test1U:  u2._d=5, u2._u.boolean = 1, u2._u.O1 = 0x10a88d0
making O4...
got O3, sbh = ilu:Test1-Server/4;ilu%3Ad8sZGQLLpVsJ2PBL5BoIX45qO...
Test1.O4.R_to_R (12345.6789000000) => 1020304.0506070800
doubles:  r1 is 12345.6789000000, r2 is 1020304.0506070800

You can proceed to test the various other clients and servers in different languages against each other. See the file `ILUHOME/examples/test1/README' for more information.

Notes on Specific Systems


From hassan@db.stanford.edu: "In order to get ILU 2.0a to compile on HP/UX, I had to set the CC environment variable to the following before running configure: setenv CC "/bin/cc -Aa +z -D_HPUX_SOURCE"."


From hassan@db.stanford.edu: "Use cc instead of gcc as the C compiler, and make sure to include the `-taso' switch."

From jg@w3.org: "I built [ILU 2.0 alpha on OSF 3.2B] without the `-taso' switch. Is this still needed? c-stubber certainly ran without it this release."

SunOS 4.1.x

Note that the default Sun C compiler is not ANSI C, nor is gcc when installed against the normal Sun header files and `/lib/libc.a'. You will have to use either gcc with the GNU C Library glibc, or the SunPro ANSI C compiler acc, or Lucid Energize lcc, or some other ANSI compiler.


The following example uses of ILU are provided in the installed tree as subdirectories of `ILUHOME/examples/':

Read the `README' file in each directory first.

Name Servers

No standard "name service" or binding service is provided. We feel that this is an area to be addressed independently, and we may include a name service in future releases of ILU. An experimental simple name service bootstrap interface is available as the simple binding system. See the ANSI C ILU_C_PublishObject, ILU_C_WithdrawObject, and ILU_C_LookupObject, and corresponding routines in the other languages, for more details. This interface is not guaranteed to be present in future releases.


ILU documentation is provided in a pre-formatted form, PostScript. The source form of the documentation is called TIM, and is documented in the ILU reference manual. If for some reason you do need to rebuild the documentation, you should have the systems TeX, Perl, ghostscript, dvips, and pbmplus; if you can't find these yourself, please send mail to ilu-core@parc.xerox.com for info on how to find them.

Mailing Lists

To be added to, or deleted from, any ILU mailing list, please send mail to ilu-request@parc.xerox.com. Do not send mail to the list itself.

The general ILU discussion mailing list is ilu@parc.xerox.com. People post questions, discuss changes, and help each other out on that list. Another list, used only for announcements of ILU things, and consequently much lower-volume, is ilu-interest@parc.xerox.com. The ilu list receives everything that the ilu-interest list receives; there is no need to be on both lists. Again, send mail to ilu-request@parc.xerox.com to be added to or removed from either of these lists.

Archives of these lists can be found at http://www-diglib.stanford.edu/ilu/".

Bug Reporting and Comments

Known Bugs and Gotchas


Release 2.0alpha6:

1) [C++] The RemoveAll method on sequence objects uses a quadratic algorithm rather than possible linear algorithm.

2) [configuration] Since our Makefiles are constructed via imake from Imakefiles, which involves running the C preprocessor, watch out for use of predefined C preprocessor symbols in pathnames! Common boobytraps include names of processors, vendors, and operating systems (e.g., "sparc", "sun", "hpux"), which are used (as isolated tokens according to C rules) in some folks' conventions for naming directories. If you're lucky, you can solve these problems with quoting. A more heavy-duty approach is to #undef the offending macros at the start of imake/ilu.defs.new, and re#define them at the end.

3) [kernel] UDP seems to currently have several bugs which render it more than usually unreliable.

4) [kernel] There's no good way to control UDP timeouts. The bad way isn't declared in any header file.

5) [ISL] "TYPE X = OBJECT SUPERTYPES Y ...; TYPE Y = OBJECT SUPERTYPES X ..." crashes the parser (and thus islscan and all the stubbers). Don't do this!

6) [MOP] If ilu_AddRegisterersToDefault is used, callers of ilu_Register{Input,Output}Source must be prepared for false callbacks.

7) [C++] stubber bugs noted in 1.8 bugs file have not been addressed.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs (nah! -- couldn't be!) to the Internet address ilu-bugs.parc@xerox.com, or to the XNS address ILU-bugs:PARC:Xerox. Bug reports are more helpful with some information about the activity; please read section Debugging ILU Programs, for more information on how to look at problems. General comments and suggestions can be sent to either ILU@parc.xerox.com or ILU-bugs.

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