Package edu.stanford.nlp.util

Assorted utilities: Heaps, Counters, Mutable Numbers, Scored/Weighted.


Interface Summary
Agenda Agenda: an interface for representing an Agenda (a list of things to be done).
DisjointSet Disjoint Set: It's the disjoint set interface.
Filter Filter is an interface for predicate objects which respond to the accept method.
Heap Heap: It's the heap interface.
Internable Internable: Interface for objects which are to be interned.
Scored Scored Author: Dan Klein Date: 12/4/00 Interface for representing a scored things
Weighted Weighted.

Class Summary
ArrayHeap ArrayHeap: Heap implementation.
ArrayMap ArrayMap: A map that is backed by an Array
Beam ??
Counter Counts occurrences of objects.
Dbg This class now combines two sets of debugging calls: Chris': Centralize the debugging print-outs, and make them more efficient when turned off at runtime.
FastDisjointSet Fast Disjoint Set Disjoint forest with path compression and union-by-rank.
FilePathProcessor The FilePathProcessor traverses a directory structure and applies the processFile method to files meeting some criterion.
Interner Interner: Class for interning things.
KleinUtils KleinUtils Class for random things.
LikelihoodBeam LikelihoodBeam
Pair Pair: A Class for holding a pair of objects.
ScoredComparator ScoredComparator: Interface for comparing scored things.
ScoredObject Scored Object: Wrapper class for holding a scored object
ScoredPair Scored Pair: Class for holding a scored pair of objects
ScoredPriorityAgenda ScoredPriorityAgenda
StackAgenda StackAgenda
SwingWorker This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread.
Timing A tiny class for measuring how long things take
TopBeam ??
UnorderedPair Unordered Pair Class for holding an unordered pair of objects
XYPlotFrame This application displays a JFrame that you can draw in

Package edu.stanford.nlp.util Description

Assorted utilities: Heaps, Counters, Mutable Numbers, Scored/Weighted.

Stanford NLP Group