Package edu.stanford.nlp.trees

A package for (NLP) trees, sentences, and similar things.


Interface Summary
ConstituentFactory A ConstituentFactory is a factory for creating objects of class Constituent, or some descendent class.
HasAttributes Something that implements the HasAttributes interface knows about attributes stored in a Map
HasCategory Something that implements the HasCategory interface knows about categories
HasFollow Something that implements the HasFollow interface knows about the characters that follow a token.
HasTag Something that implements the HasTag interface knows about part-of-speech tags.
HasWord Something that implements the HasWord interface knows about words
HeadFinder An interface for finding the "head" daughter of a phrase structure tree.
Label Something that implements the Label interface can act as a constituent, node, or word label with linguistic attributes.
Labeled Interface for Objects which have a Label.
LabelFactory A LabelFactory object acts as a factory for creating objects of class Label, or some descendent class.
SentenceProcessor This is a simple interface for operations that are going to be applied to a Sentence.
SentenceReaderFactory A SentenceReaderFactory is a factory for creating objects of class SentenceReader, or some descendent class.
TreeFactory A TreeFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class Tree, or some descendent class.
TreeProcessor This is a simple interface for operations that are going to be applied to a Tree.
TreeReaderFactory A TreeReaderFactory is a factory for creating objects of class TreeReader, or some descendent class.
TreeTransformer This is a simple interface for a function that alters a local Tree.

Class Summary
AbstractLabel An AbstractLabel object acts as a Label with linguistic attributes.
AdaptiveLabelFactory An AdaptiveLabelFactory object makes simple Labels for objects, by creating a label of an appropriate type depending on the arguments passed in.
AdwaitSentenceReaderFactory This class implements a SentenceReaderFactory which is suitable for reading in tagged or untagged sentences formatted according to the conventions used in Adwait Ratnaparkhi's Java MXPOST and MXTERMINATOR software.
AdwaitStreamTokenizer Builds a tokenizer for Adwait-style pos tagged directories.
BobChrisTreeNormalizer Normalizes trees roughly the way used in Manning and Carpenter 1997.
Category A Category object acts as a Label by containing a String that is a part-of-speech category.
CategoryWordTag A CategoryWordTag object acts as a complex Label which contains a category, a head word, and a tag.
CategoryWordTagFactory A CategoryWordTagFactory is a factory that makes a Label which is a CategoryWordTag triplet.
ChelbaHeadFinder Implements the HeadFinder found in Ciprian Chelba's 2000 thesis.
CollinsHeadFinder Implements the HeadFinder found in Michael Collins' 1999 thesis.
CollinsSemanticHeadFinder Implements the HeadFinder found in Michael Collins' 1999 thesis.
Constituent A Constituent object defines a generic edge in a graph.
DanBobChrisTreeNormalizer Normalizes trees roughly the way used in Manning and Carpenter 1997.
DiskSentencebank A DiskSentencebank object stores merely the information to get at a corpus of sentences that is stored on disk.
DiskTreebank A DiskTreebank object stores merely the information to get at a corpus of trees that is stored on disk.
LabeledConstituent A LabeledConstituent object represents a single bracketing in a derivation, including start and end points and Label information, but excluding probabilistic information.
LabeledScoredConstituent A LabeledScoredConstituent object defines an edge in a graph with a label and a score.
LabeledScoredConstituentFactory A LabeledScoredConstituentFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class LabeledScoredConstituent.
LabeledScoredTreeFactory A LabeledScoredTreeFactory acts as a factory for creating trees with labels and scores.
LabeledScoredTreeLeaf A LabeledScoredTreeLeaf represents the leaf of a tree in a parse tree with labels and scores.
LabeledScoredTreeNode A LabeledScoredTreeNode represents a tree composed of a root label, a score, and an array of daughter parse trees.
LabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory This class implements a TreeReaderFactory that produces labeled, scored array-based Trees, which have been cleaned up to delete empties, etc.
MemorySentencebank A MemorySentencebank object stores a corpus of examples with given sentence structures in memory (as a Collection)
MemoryTreebank A MemoryTreebank object stores a corpus of examples with given tree structures in memory (as a Collection).
ModCollinsHeadFinder Implements a variant on the HeadFinder found in Michael Collins' 1999 thesis.
NoPunctTreeNormalizer Normalizes trees roughly the way used in Manning and Carpenter 1997.
NullLabel A NullLabel object acts as a Label with linguistic attributes, but doesn't actually store or return anything.
OnePerLineSentenceNormalizer A class for sentence normalization.
PairFinder A class with a main() method which finds all argument-head and modifier-head pairs in a treebank and prints them out.
ParametricTreeNormalizer Normalizes trees based on parameter settings.
ParentTransformedLabeledNormalizedTreeReaderFactory This class implements a TreeReaderFactory that produces labeled, scored array-based Trees, which have been cleaned up to delete empties, etc.
PennSentenceMrgNormalizer A class for sentence normalization.
PennSentenceNormalizer A class for Penn tag directory sentence normalization.
PennSentenceReaderFactory This class implements a SentenceReaderFactory which is suitable for reading in tagged sentences from the Penn Treebank.
PennTagbankStreamTokenizer Builds a tokenizer for Penn pos tagged directories.
PennTreebankStreamTokenizer Builds a tokenizer for PennTreebank (release 2) trees.
PruneNodesStripSubtagsTreeNormalizer ??
Sentence Sentence holds a single sentence, and mediating between word numbers and words.
Sentencebank A Sentencebank object provides access to a corpus of sentences -- just plain sentences or tagged sentences, etc.
SentenceNormalizer A class for sentence normalization.
SentenceReader A SentenceReader adds functionality to a Reader by reading in Sentences, or some descendant class.
SepHeadFinder Exactly the same as CollinsHeadFinder, except it allows for NP-SBJ tags.
SepTreeNormalizer Exactly like BobChrisTreeNormalize, except does not strip SBJ functional tags from NP-SBJ.
SimpleConstituent A SimpleConstituent object defines a generic edge in a graph.
SimpleConstituentFactory A ConstituentFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class Constituent, or some descendent class.
SimpleSentenceReaderFactory This class implements a simple default SentenceReaderFactory
SimpleTree A SimpleTree is a minimal concrete implementation of an unlabeled, unscored Tree.
SimpleTreeFactory A SimpleTreeFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class SimpleTree.
SimpleTreeReaderFactory This class implements a simple default TreeReaderFactory.
Span A Span is an optimized SimpleConstituent object, It provides exactly the same functionality as a SimpleConstituent, but by being final, and with its own implementation of Span equality, it runs faster, so as to placate Dan Klein.
StringLabel A StringLabel object acts as a Label by containing a single String, which it sets or returns in response to requests.
StringLabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory This class implements a TreeReaderFactory that produces labeled, scored array-based Trees, which have been cleaned up to delete empties, etc.
StringLabelFactory A StringLabelFactory object makes a simple StringLabel out of a String.
Tag A Tag object acts as a Label by containing a String that is a part-of-speech tag.
TaggedWord A TaggedWord object contains a word and its tag.
TaggedWordFactory A TaggedWordFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class TaggedWord.
Tree The abstract class Tree is used to collect all of the tree types, and acts as a generic composite type.
Treebank A Treebank object provides access to a corpus of examples with given tree structures.
TreeNormalizer A class for tree normalization.
TreeReader A TreeReader adds functionality to another Reader by reading in Trees, or some descendant class.
WeightedFollowedTaggedWord A WeightedFollowedTaggedWord object contains a word and its tag, but it also records what text follows the token.
Word A Word object acts as a Label by containing a String.
WordFactory A WordFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class Word.
WordLabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory This class implements a TreeReaderFactory that produces Word labeled, scored array-based Trees, which have been cleaned up to delete empties, etc., according to the BobChrisTreeNormalizer.

Package edu.stanford.nlp.trees Description

A package for (NLP) trees, sentences, and similar things. This package provides several key abstractions (via abstract classes) and a number of further classes for related objects. Most of these classes use a Factory pattern to instantiate objects.

A Label is something that can be the label of a Tree or a Constituent. The simplest label is a StringLabel. A Word or a TaggedWord is a Label. They can be constructed with a LabelFactory. A Label often implements various interfaces, such as HasWord.

A Constituent object defines a generic edge in a graph. It has a start and end, and usually a Label. A ConstituentFactory builds a Constituent.

A Tree object provides generic facilities for manipulating NLP trees. A TreeFactory can build a Tree. A Treebank provides an interface to a collection of parsed sentences (normally found on disk as a corpus). A TreeReader reads trees from an InputStream. A TreeReaderFactory builds a TreeReader. A TreeNormalizer canonicalizes a Tree on input from a File. A HeadFinder finds the head daughter of a Tree. The TreeProcessor interface is for general sequential processing of trees, and the TreeTransformer interface is for changing them.

A Sentence is a subclass of an ArrayList. A Sentencebank provides an interface to a large number of sentences (normally found on disk as a corpus). A SentenceReader reads sentences from an InputStream. A SentenceReaderFactory builds a SentenceReader. A SentenceNormalizer canonicalizes a Sentence on input from a File. The SentenceProcessor interface is for general sequential processing of sentences.

There are also various subclasses of StreamTokenizer. The class PairFinder should probably be removed to samples.


Stanford NLP Group