Interface TreeFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TreeFactory

A TreeFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class Tree, or some descendent class. Methods implementing this interface may assume that the List of children passed to them is a list that actually contains trees, but this can't be enforced in Java without polymorphic types. The methods with a String argument do not guarantee that the tree label() will be a String -- the TreeFactory may convert it into some other type.

Method Summary
 Tree newLeaf(Label label)
          Create a new tree leaf node, with the given label.
 Tree newLeaf(String word)
          Create a new tree leaf node, where the label is formed from the String passed in.
 Tree newTreeNode(Label label, List children)
          Create a new tree nonleaf node, with the given label.
 Tree newTreeNode(String parent, List children)
          Create a new tree nonleaf node, where the label is formed from the String passed in.

Method Detail


public Tree newLeaf(String word)
Create a new tree leaf node, where the label is formed from the String passed in.

word - The word that will go into the tree label.
The new leaf


public Tree newTreeNode(String parent,
                        List children)
Create a new tree nonleaf node, where the label is formed from the String passed in.

parent - The string that will go into the parent tree label.
children - The list of daughters of this tree. The children may be a (possibly empty) List of children or null
The new interior tree node


public Tree newLeaf(Label label)
Create a new tree leaf node, with the given label.

label - The label for the leaf node
The new leaf


public Tree newTreeNode(Label label,
                        List children)
Create a new tree nonleaf node, with the given label.

label - The label for the parent tree node.
children - The list of daughters of this tree. The children may be a (possibly empty) List of children or null
The new interior tree node

Stanford NLP Group