Class LabeledScoredTreeNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Collection, Labeled, Scored

public final class LabeledScoredTreeNode
extends Tree

A LabeledScoredTreeNode represents a tree composed of a root label, a score, and an array of daughter parse trees. A parse tree derived from a rule provides information about the category of the root as well as a composite of the daughter categories.

Constructor Summary
          Create an empty parse tree.
LabeledScoredTreeNode(Label label, List daughterTreesList)
          Create parse tree with given root and array of daughter trees.
Method Summary
 Tree[] children()
          Returns an array of children for the current node, or null if it is a leaf.
static TreeFactory factory()
          Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of the LabeledScoredTree{Node|Leaf} type.
static TreeFactory factory(LabelFactory lf)
          Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of the LabeledScoredTree{Node|Leaf} type, with the Label made with the supplied LabelFactory.
 Label label()
          Returns the label associated with the current node, or null if there is no label
 double score()
          Returns the score associated with the current node, or Nan if there is no score
 void setChildren(Tree[] children)
          Sets the children of this Tree
 void setLabel(Label label)
          Sets the label associated with the current node, if there is one.
 void setScore(double score)
          Sets the score associated with the current node, if there is one
 StringBuffer toStringBuffer(StringBuffer sb)
          Appends the printed form of a parse tree (as a bracketed String) to a StringBuffer.
 TreeFactory treeFactory()
          Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of the same type as the current Tree.
Methods inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree
constituents, constituents, deepCopy, deepCopy, depth, firstChild, getChildrenAsList, indentedListPrint, indentedListPrint, isLeaf, isPreTerminal, iterator, labels, lastChild, parent, parent, pennPrint, pennPrint, percolateHeads, preTerminalYield, preTerminalYield, prune, prune, setChildren, setLabels, size, spliceOut, spliceOut, subTrees, subTrees, taggedYield, taggedYield, toString, transform, transform, yield, yield
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
equals, hashCode

Constructor Detail


public LabeledScoredTreeNode()
Create an empty parse tree.


public LabeledScoredTreeNode(Label label,
                             List daughterTreesList)
Create parse tree with given root and array of daughter trees.

label - root label of tree to construct.
daughterTreesList - List of daughter trees to construct.
Method Detail


public Tree[] children()
Returns an array of children for the current node, or null if it is a leaf.

Specified by:
children in class Tree
The children of the node
See Also:


public void setChildren(Tree[] children)
Sets the children of this Tree

Specified by:
setChildren in class Tree
children - An array of child trees
See Also:


public Label label()
Returns the label associated with the current node, or null if there is no label

Specified by:
label in interface Labeled
label in class Tree
The label of the node


public void setLabel(Label label)
Sets the label associated with the current node, if there is one.

Specified by:
setLabel in interface Labeled
setLabel in class Tree
label - The label


public double score()
Returns the score associated with the current node, or Nan if there is no score

Specified by:
score in interface Scored
score in class Tree
The score


public void setScore(double score)
Sets the score associated with the current node, if there is one

setScore in class Tree
score - The score


public StringBuffer toStringBuffer(StringBuffer sb)
Appends the printed form of a parse tree (as a bracketed String) to a StringBuffer.

toStringBuffer in class Tree
StringBuffer returns the StringBuffer


public TreeFactory treeFactory()
Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of the same type as the current Tree. That is, this implementation, will produce trees of type LabeledScoredTree(Node|Leaf). The Label of this is examined, and providing it is not null, a LabelFactory which will produce that kind of Label is supplied to the TreeFactory. If the Label is null, a StringLabelFactory will be used. The factories returned on different calls a different: a new one is allocated each time.

Specified by:
treeFactory in class Tree
a factory to produce labeled, scored trees


public static TreeFactory factory()
Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of the LabeledScoredTree{Node|Leaf} type. The factory returned is always the same one (a singleton).

a factory to produce labeled, scored trees


public static TreeFactory factory(LabelFactory lf)
Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of the LabeledScoredTree{Node|Leaf} type, with the Label made with the supplied LabelFactory. The factory returned is a different one each time

lf - The LabelFactory to use
a factory to produce labeled, scored trees

Stanford NLP Group