Interface HeadFinder

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChelbaHeadFinder, CollinsHeadFinder, CollinsSemanticHeadFinder, ModCollinsHeadFinder, SepHeadFinder

public interface HeadFinder

An interface for finding the "head" daughter of a phrase structure tree. This could potentially be any sense of "head", but has mainly been used to find the lexical head for lexicalized PCFG parsing.

Method Summary
 Tree determineHead(Tree t)
          Determine which daughter of the current parse tree is the head.

Method Detail


public Tree determineHead(Tree t)
Determine which daughter of the current parse tree is the head. It assumes that the daughters already have had their heads determined. Another method has to do the tree walking.

t - The parse tree to examine the daughters of
The parse tree that is the head

Stanford NLP Group