Class DiskTreebank

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DiskTreebank
extends Treebank

A DiskTreebank object stores merely the information to get at a corpus of trees that is stored on disk. Access is usually via applying a TreeProcessor to an iteration over the trees.

Constructor Summary
          Create a new DiskTreebank.
DiskTreebank(int initialCapacity)
          Create a new Treebank.
DiskTreebank(int initialCapacity, TreeReaderFactory trf)
          Create a new Treebank.
DiskTreebank(TreeReaderFactory trf)
          Create a new DiskTreebank.
Method Summary
 void apply(TreeProcessor tp)
          Applies the TreeProcessor to to all trees in the Treebank.
 void clear()
          Empty a Treebank.
 File getCurrentFile()
          Return the File from which trees are currently being read by apply(), and pased to a TreePprocessor.
 Iterator iterator()
          Return an Iterator over Trees in the Treebank.
 void loadPath(File path, FileFilter filt)
          Load trees from given directory.
static void main(String[] args)
          Loads treebank grammar from first argument and print it.
Methods inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Treebank
loadPath, loadPath, loadPath, loadPath, loadPath, remove, size, toString, treeReaderFactory
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
add, addAll, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
equals, hashCode

Constructor Detail


public DiskTreebank()
Create a new DiskTreebank.


public DiskTreebank(TreeReaderFactory trf)
Create a new DiskTreebank.

trf - the factory class to be called to create a new TreeReader


public DiskTreebank(int initialCapacity)
Create a new Treebank.

initialCapacity - The initial size of the underlying Collection. For a DiskTreebank, this parameter is ignored.


public DiskTreebank(int initialCapacity,
                    TreeReaderFactory trf)
Create a new Treebank.

initialCapacity - The initial size of the underlying Collection, For a DiskTreebank, this parameter is ignored.
trf - the factory class to be called to create a new TreeReader
Method Detail


public void clear()
Empty a Treebank.

Specified by:
clear in interface Collection
Specified by:
clear in class Treebank


public void loadPath(File path,
                     FileFilter filt)
Load trees from given directory. This version just records the paths to be processed, and actually processes them at apply time.

Specified by:
loadPath in class Treebank
path - file or directory to load from
filt - a FilenameFilter of files to load


public void apply(TreeProcessor tp)
Applies the TreeProcessor to to all trees in the Treebank.

Specified by:
apply in class Treebank
tp - A class that can process trees.


public File getCurrentFile()
Return the File from which trees are currently being read by apply(), and pased to a TreePprocessor. This is useful if one wants to map the original file and directory structure over to a set of modified trees.

the file that trees are currently being read from, or null if no file is currently open


public Iterator iterator()
Return an Iterator over Trees in the Treebank. This is implemented by building per-file MemoryTreebanks for the files in the DiskTreebank. As such, it isn't as efficient as using apply().

Specified by:
iterator in interface Collection
Specified by:
iterator in class Treebank
The Iterator


public static void main(String[] args)
Loads treebank grammar from first argument and print it.

args - array of command-line arguments

Stanford NLP Group