Interface ConstrainedMinimizer

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public interface ConstrainedMinimizer
extends Minimizer

The interface for constrained function minimizers. Not all cases need to be supported by all implementations. For example, in implementation might support inequality constraints only. Implementations may also vary in their requirements for the arguments. For example, implementations may or may not care if the initial feasible vector turns out to be non-feasible (or null!). Similarly, some methods may insist that objectives and/or constraint Function objects actually be DiffFunction objects.


Method Summary
 double[] minimize(Function function, double functionTolerance, Function[] eqConstraints, double eqConstraintTolerance, Function[] ineqConstraints, double ineqConstraintTolerance, double[] initial)
          The general case, allowing both equality and inequality constraints.
Methods inherited from interface edu.stanford.nlp.optimization.Minimizer

Method Detail


public double[] minimize(Function function,
                         double functionTolerance,
                         Function[] eqConstraints,
                         double eqConstraintTolerance,
                         Function[] ineqConstraints,
                         double ineqConstraintTolerance,
                         double[] initial)
The general case, allowing both equality and inequality constraints. A given implementation can throw an UnsupportedOperationException if it cannot handle the constraints it is supplied. It is expected that minimize(function, functionTolerance, [], 0, [], 0, initial) behave exactly like the minimize(function, functionTolerance, initial) method inherited from Minimizer.

function - the objective function
functionTolerance - a double value
eqConstraints - an array of zero or more equality constraints
eqConstraintTolerance - the violation tolerace for equality constraints
ineqConstraints - an array of zero or more inequality constraints
ineqConstraintTolerance - the violation tolerace for equality constraints
initial - a initial feasible (!) point
a minimizing feasible point

Stanford NLP Group