Package edu.stanford.nlp.linalg

Data Structures for vectors and matrices, including wrappers for other packages, such as cern's COLT package.


Interface Summary
Array Interface for dense or sparse arrays which store numbers.
GrowableMatrix Interface for Growable Matrices.
Matrix Interface for Matrices, dense or sparse.
Metric Interface for a set of classes which have a metric function distance(Array i, Array j), which returns a double giving the distance between the two vectors
Similarity Interface for a set of static classes which have a similarity function similarity(Array i, Array j), which returns a double rating the similarity of the two vectors

Class Summary
AbstractArray Abstract Array class
AbstractMatrix Abstract Matrix class
AbstractMetric Class which defines distance and similarity functions once we have a norm
ArrayListMatrix An ArrayList of arrays
ColtDenseMatrix A Wrapper for a DenseDoubleMatrix2D
ColtSparseDoubleArray An Array Wrapper for cern.colt.matrix.SparseDoubleMatrix1D
ColtSparseMatrix A Wrapper for a SparseDoubleMatrix2D
Cosine Cosine similarity function
DenseDoubleArray An Array wrapper for an array of doubles.
DenseIntArray Array wrapper for integer array
DenseNumberArray An Array wrapper for an array of Numbers.
DenseSNDArray An Array wrapper for an array of ScientificNotationDoubles
EAlgebra Extends cern.colt.matrix.linalg.Algebra to add some functions that are useful in NLP.
EDoubleFactory2D Extends cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory2D to add some functions that are useful in NLP.
Entry Stores and allows access to single entry in a vector or matrix.
GrowableDenseDoubleArray Array wrapper for cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList
GrowableDenseIntArray Array wrapper for cern.colt.list.IntArrayList
L1 L1 norm
L2 L2 norm
MatrixAlgebra This class implements matrix operations as needed
SimpleBlas A version of cern.colt.matrix.linalg.SeqBlas that can be instantiated.

Package edu.stanford.nlp.linalg Description

Data Structures for vectors and matrices, including wrappers for other packages, such as cern's COLT package. Has functionality for both dense and sparse matrices.

Sepandar David Kamvar
Last modified: Thu Oct 31 11:04:54 PST 2002

Stanford NLP Group