Class FileSequentialCollection

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FileSequentialCollection
extends AbstractCollection

A FileSequentialCollection maintains a read-only collection of Files. (It's a list, but we don't make it a List or else one needs an iterator that can go backwards.) It is built from a Collection of paths, or just from a single path. Optionally one can also provide a FileFilter which is applied over the files in a recursive traversal, or else an extension and whether to do recursive traversal, which are used to construct a filter. Note that the Collection argument constructor will behave 'normally' iff none of the Collection elements are directories. If they are directories they will be recursed and files in them added. To get the behavior of putting just directories in the collection one needs to use the constructor FileSequentialCollection(c, failFilt, true), where failFilt is a user-supplied FileFilter that accepts no files. The FileSequentialCollection builds from these constructor arguments a collection of Files, which can be iterated over, etc. This class does runtime expansion of paths. That is, it is optimized for iteration and not for random access. It is also an unmodifiable Collection.

The class provides some additional constructors beyond the two recommended by the Collections package, to allow specifying a FileFilter and similar options. Nevertheless, so as to avoid overburdening the the API, not every possibly useful constructor has been provided where these can be easily synthesized using standard Collections package facilities. Useful idioms to know are:

This class will throw an IllegalArgumentException if there are things that are not existing Files or String paths to existing files in the input collection (from the Iterator).

See Also:

Constructor Summary
          Creates an empty FileSequentialCollection, with no Files in it.
FileSequentialCollection(Collection c)
          Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection.
FileSequentialCollection(Collection c, FileFilter filt)
          Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection.
FileSequentialCollection(Collection c, FileFilter filt, boolean includeDirs)
          Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection.
FileSequentialCollection(Collection c, String suffix, boolean recursively)
          Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection.
FileSequentialCollection(File path, String suffix, boolean recursively)
          Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in File path.
Method Summary
 Iterator iterator()
          Return an Iterator over files in the collection.
static void main(String[] args)
          This is simply a debugging aid that tests the functionality of the class.
 int size()
          Returns the size of the FileSequentialCollection.
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
equals, hashCode

Constructor Detail


public FileSequentialCollection()
Creates an empty FileSequentialCollection, with no Files in it. Since a FileSequentialCollection is not modifiable, this is largely useless (except if you want an empty one).


public FileSequentialCollection(Collection c)
Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection. The constructor iterates through the collection. For each element, if it is a File or String, then this file path is traversed for addition to the collection. If the argument is of some other type, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. For each File or String, if they do not correspond to directories, then they are added to the collection; if they do, they are recursively explored and all non-directories within them are added to the collection.

c - The collection to build the FileSequentialCollection from


public FileSequentialCollection(File path,
                                String suffix,
                                boolean recursively)
Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in File path. If the File does not correspond to a directory, then it is added to the collection; if it does, it is explored. Files that match the extension, and files in subfolders that match, if appropriate, are added to the collection. This is an additional convenience constructor.

path - file or directory to load from
suffix - suffix (normally "File extension") of files to load
recursively - true means descend into subdirectories as well


public FileSequentialCollection(Collection c,
                                String suffix,
                                boolean recursively)
Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection. The constructor iterates through the collection. For each element, if it is a File, then the File is added to the collection, if it is a String, then a File corresponding to this String as a file path is added to the collection, and if the argument is of some other type, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. For the files thus specified, they are included in the collection only if they match an extension filter as specified by the other arguments.

c - Collection of files or directories as Files or Strings
suffix - suffix (normally "File extension") of files to load
recursively - true means descend into subdirectories as well


public FileSequentialCollection(Collection c,
                                FileFilter filt)
Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection. The constructor iterates through the collection. For each element, if it is a File or String then these file paths are processed as explained below. If the argument is of some other type, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. For the files specified, if they are not directories, they are included in the collection. If they are directories, files inside them are included iff they match the FileFilter. This will include recursive directory descent iff the FileFilter accepts directories. If the path is a directory then only files within the directory (perhaps recursively) that satisfy the filter are processed. If the pathis a file, then that file is processed regardless of whether it satisfies the filter. (This semantics was adopted, since otherwise there was no easy way to go through all the files in a directory without descending recursively via the specification of a FileFilter.)

c - The collection of file or directory to load from
filt - A FileFilter of files to load. This may be null, in which case all files are accepted.


public FileSequentialCollection(Collection c,
                                FileFilter filt,
                                boolean includeDirs)
Creates a FileSequentialCollection from the passed in Collection. The constructor iterates through the collection. For each element, if it is a File or String then these file paths are processed as explained below. If the argument is of some other type, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. For the files specified, if they are not directories, they are included in the collection. If they are directories, files inside them are included iff they match the FileFilter. This will include recursive directory descent iff the FileFilter accepts directories. If the path is a directory then only files within the directory (perhaps recursively) that satisfy the filter are processed. If the pathis a file, then that file is processed regardless of whether it satisfies the filter. (This semantics was adopted, since otherwise there was no easy way to go through all the files in a directory without descending recursively via the specification of a FileFilter.)

c - The collection of file or directory to load from. An argument of null is interpreted like an empty collection.
filt - A FileFilter of files to load. This may be null, in which case all files are accepted
includeDirs - Whether to include director names in the file list
Method Detail


public int size()
Returns the size of the FileSequentialCollection.

Specified by:
size in interface Collection
Specified by:
size in class AbstractCollection
size How many files are in the collection


public Iterator iterator()
Return an Iterator over files in the collection. This version lazily works its way down directories.

Specified by:
iterator in interface Collection
Specified by:
iterator in class AbstractCollection


public static void main(String[] args)
This is simply a debugging aid that tests the functionality of the class. The supplied arguments are put in a Collection, and passed to the FileSequentialCollection constructor. An iterator is then used to print the names of all the files (but not directories) in the collection.

args - A list of file paths

Stanford NLP Group