
A couple of classes for regular expression based pattern matching and regular expression.


Class Summary
RegexpExtractor SingleFieldExtractor that matches text using a regular expression.
RegexpExtractorCreator Utility for creating and serializing RegexpExtractors.
RegexpsFieldExtractor An implmentation of the general FieldExtractor interfaces which fills in multiple fields by matching various regular expressions.
RegexpsFieldExtractorCreator Utility for creating and serializing RegexpExtractors.

Package Description

A couple of classes for regular expression based pattern matching and regular expression. There isn't much here: what's here provides extractors that match single level regular expressions, as defined by a standard Perl-style regular expression pattern, and builds serialized versions of such extractors which interface with the KAON-based general IE functionality.

Notes: The current implementation is a bit inconsistent, in that the RegexpExtractor uses the JDK 1.4 regexp package, while the RegexpsExtractor uses Jakarta ORO. As well as allowing multiple regular expressions, the latter has a bit of additional functionality.


Stanford NLP Group