Class Util


public class Util
extends Object

Provides basic utility operations

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void Beep()
static int C(int n, int r)
          calculates choose(n, r)
static List Disjunction(List list1, List list2)
          Gets the disjunction of the two "sets", list1 and list2.
static double Exp(double a, double b)
          calculates a ^ b.
static int Exp(int a, int b)
          calculates a ^ b.
static int F(int n)
          Calculates the "n"th Fibonacci number.
static List GetAllCombinations(List list)
          Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list.
static List GetAllCombinations(List list, int max, boolean allowDuplicates)
          Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list.
static List GetCombinations(List list, int size, boolean allowDuplicates)
          Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list.
static double GetElapsedTime(long start)
          Gets the difference between current time and "start".
static List GetPermutations(List list)
          Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list.
static List GetPermutations(List list, int size, boolean allowDuplicates)
          Gets all possible permuations of the elements in a list.
static int IndexOf(List l, Object o)
          Gets the index of an index of an object within a list.
static List Intersection(List list1, List list2)
          calculates the intersection of list1 and list2.
static void main(String[] args)
static int Max(int a, int b)
static int Min(int a, int b)
static List RemoveDuplicates(List list)
          removes duplicates from a list.
static List RemoveOneOccurrence(List list, Object o)
          removes the first occurrence of o in list.
static void WriteLine(String s, BufferedWriter bw)
          writes a single-line string plus newline out to a buffered writer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Util()
Method Detail


public static void WriteLine(String s,
                             BufferedWriter bw)
                      throws IOException
writes a single-line string plus newline out to a buffered writer.



public static List Disjunction(List list1,
                               List list2)
Gets the disjunction of the two "sets", list1 and list2. calculates equality by object1.equals(object2)


public static int IndexOf(List l,
                          Object o)
Gets the index of an index of an object within a list. Calculates equality by object1.equals(object2)

index of object if found in list, -1 otherwise


public static List GetCombinations(List list,
                                   int size,
                                   boolean allowDuplicates)
Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list. Only returns combination sets with exactly "size" elements.

size - all of the combination sets found by this method must contain exactly "size" elements
allowDuplicates - if the method should return combination sets that contain duplicates (each element in the list is assumed to be unique. so even if allowDuplicates is false, it would still be possible for combination sets to contain duplicates if the original list contained duplicates).


public static List GetAllCombinations(List list,
                                      int max,
                                      boolean allowDuplicates)
Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list. Only returns combination sets with AT MOST "max" elements

max - all of the combination sets found by this method must contain at most "size" elements
allowDuplicates - if the method should return combination sets that contain duplicates (each element in the list is assumed to be unique. so even if allowDuplicates is false, it would still be possible for combination sets to contain duplicates if the original list contained duplicates).


public static List GetAllCombinations(List list)
Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list. No duplicates allowed. Thus, the maximum combination set size is list.size()


public static List RemoveDuplicates(List list)
removes duplicates from a list. calculates equality by equals()


public static List RemoveOneOccurrence(List list,
                                       Object o)
removes the first occurrence of o in list. if list does not contain o, doesn't do anything. calculates equality by equals()


public static List GetPermutations(List list,
                                   int size,
                                   boolean allowDuplicates)
Gets all possible permuations of the elements in a list. Only returns combination sets with exactly "size" elements.

size - all of the permutation sets found by this method must contain exactly "size" elements
allowDuplicates - if the method should return permutation sets that contain duplicates (each element in the list is assumed to be unique. so even if allowDuplicates is false, it would still be possible for permutation sets to contain duplicates if the original list contained duplicates).


public static List GetPermutations(List list)
Gets all possible combinations of the elements in a list. No duplicates allowed. Thus, set size is list.size()


public static double GetElapsedTime(long start)
Gets the difference between current time and "start". returns time in seconds (rounded off after the first decimal place)


public static void Beep()
beep. currently just uses Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();


public static int F(int n)
Calculates the "n"th Fibonacci number. By def, F(0) = F(1) = 1


public static int C(int n,
                    int r)
calculates choose(n, r)


public static int Exp(int a,
                      int b)
calculates a ^ b. dumb implementation. only valid for b >= 0

1 if b < 0; a ^ b otherwise


public static double Exp(double a,
                         double b)
calculates a ^ b. uses Math.exp(b * Math.log(a))


public static int Min(int a,
                      int b)


public static int Max(int a,
                      int b)


public static List Intersection(List list1,
                                List list2)
calculates the intersection of list1 and list2. calculates equality with equals()


public static void main(String[] args)

Stanford NLP Group