Class ScoreMan


public class ScoreMan
extends Object

A score manager. Tracks how well an information extraction system performs on multiple-tag extraction

Field Summary
 List scores
          a list of Scores.
 List tags
          a list of tag names.
Constructor Summary
ScoreMan(List tags)
          creates a new ScoreMan.
Method Summary
 void PrintScores(boolean all)
          prints the scores to System.out.
 void Score(XTagSet correct, XTagSet guess)
          adjusts scores as necessary, given a correct tag set (what the system should have returned) and a guess tag set (what the system did return)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public List scores
a list of Scores. each score corresponds to one tag in the "tags" list.


public List tags
a list of tag names. each tag name corresponds to one tag in the "scores" list.

Constructor Detail


public ScoreMan(List tags)
creates a new ScoreMan. initializes Scores for each tag

Method Detail


public void Score(XTagSet correct,
                  XTagSet guess)
adjusts scores as necessary, given a correct tag set (what the system should have returned) and a guess tag set (what the system did return)


public void PrintScores(boolean all)
prints the scores to System.out. format: tagName: score. see Score for more details.

all - print all the scores. if false, just print the sum performance on all tags

Stanford NLP Group