
This package is for methods that merge the partial or conflicting results of several information extraction components.


Interface Summary
InstanceMerger Interface for combining together partial instances of (presumeably) the same entity.

Class Summary
AbstractInstanceMerger Class for combining together partial instances of (presumeably) the same entity.
GenericMerger Provides basic merging functionality.
UnscoredMerger Merger that handles extractors that don't rank confidences
UnscoredMergerCreator Creates and serializes an UnscoredMerger object.
WebSearchMerger Merger that handles the url and search_term fields

Package Description

This package is for methods that merge the partial or conflicting results of several information extraction components. At present there is just a simple framework of what a merger class should do and a simple implementation of a UnscoredMerger, which merges partial results which are not accompanied by reliable scores of their accuracy.


Stanford NLP Group