Class SoftCluster

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Cluster

public class SoftCluster
extends SimpleCluster

Soft Cluster. Each datum is assigned to several clusters with a certain probability.

SoftCluster stores term and document probabilities in DenseDoubleArrays. This is useful for Soft Clusters, which are defined as a smooth probability distribution over terms, documents

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.cluster.SimpleCluster
index, mean, nd, nt, pr_d_z, pr_w_z, pr_z, scatter
Constructor Summary
SoftCluster(int num_terms, int num_docs)
          Allocates memory for arrays, and initializes values to 0
SoftCluster(int num_terms, int num_docs, int i)
          Allocates memory for arrays, initializes values to 0, and sets index
Methods inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.cluster.SimpleCluster
clearData, clone, equals, evaluateIntraSimilarity, evaluateWeightedMean, get_pr_d_z, get_pr_d_z, get_pr_w_z, get_pr_w_z, get_pr_z, getIndex, getIntraSimilarity, getMean, set_pr_d_z, set_pr_d_z, set_pr_w_z, set_pr_w_z, set_pr_z, setIndex, toString, toString, toXMLString, toXMLString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SoftCluster(int num_terms,
                   int num_docs)
Allocates memory for arrays, and initializes values to 0


public SoftCluster(int num_terms,
                   int num_docs,
                   int i)
Allocates memory for arrays, initializes values to 0, and sets index

Stanford NLP Group