Class HHCluster

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Cluster

public class HHCluster
extends HardCluster

Hierarchical Hard Cluster. Hard Cluster with pointers to parent, children, and sibling clusters.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.cluster.SimpleCluster
index, mean, nd, nt, pr_d_z, pr_w_z, pr_z, scatter
Constructor Summary
HHCluster(int num_terms, int num_docs)
          Allocates memory for arrays and initializes values to 0
HHCluster(int num_terms, int num_docs, int i)
          Allocates memory for arrays, sets index, and initializes values to 0
Method Summary
 void initializeChildren()
          Initializes HHCluster's children
 HHCluster leftChild()
          Returns left child of HHCluster
 HHCluster parent()
          Returns parent of HHCluster
 HHCluster rightChild()
          Returns right child of HHCluster
 void setParent(HHCluster par)
          Sets parent of HHCluster to be par
 void setSibling(HHCluster sib)
          Sets sibling of HHCluster to be sib
 HHCluster sibling()
          Returns sibling of HHCluster
Methods inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.cluster.HardCluster
addDatum, dataIndices
Methods inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.cluster.SimpleCluster
clearData, clone, equals, evaluateIntraSimilarity, evaluateWeightedMean, get_pr_d_z, get_pr_d_z, get_pr_w_z, get_pr_w_z, get_pr_z, getIndex, getIntraSimilarity, getMean, set_pr_d_z, set_pr_d_z, set_pr_w_z, set_pr_w_z, set_pr_z, setIndex, toString, toString, toXMLString, toXMLString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HHCluster(int num_terms,
                 int num_docs)
Allocates memory for arrays and initializes values to 0


public HHCluster(int num_terms,
                 int num_docs,
                 int i)
Allocates memory for arrays, sets index, and initializes values to 0

Method Detail


public void initializeChildren()
Initializes HHCluster's children


public HHCluster leftChild()
Returns left child of HHCluster


public HHCluster rightChild()
Returns right child of HHCluster


public HHCluster sibling()
Returns sibling of HHCluster


public HHCluster parent()
Returns parent of HHCluster


public void setSibling(HHCluster sib)
Sets sibling of HHCluster to be sib


public void setParent(HHCluster par)
Sets parent of HHCluster to be par

Stanford NLP Group