Class AddEpsilonSmoother

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddEpsilonSmoother
extends Object
implements SmootherB

Smooths a ProbabilitySet using a HashMap vocabulary. It also converts counts into probabilities

Constructor Summary
AddEpsilonSmoother(ProbabilitySet unsmoothed, HashMap vocab, double epsilon)
          unsmoothed is a set of unsmoothed probabilities, and vocab is a hash table that contains all of the vocabulary words seen in that set
Method Summary
 ProbabilitySet smooth()
          This method smooths the probability set by adding one to all of the counts seen in the probability set.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AddEpsilonSmoother(ProbabilitySet unsmoothed,
                          HashMap vocab,
                          double epsilon)
unsmoothed is a set of unsmoothed probabilities, and vocab is a hash table that contains all of the vocabulary words seen in that set

Method Detail


public ProbabilitySet smooth()
This method smooths the probability set by adding one to all of the counts seen in the probability set. The vocabulary list my_vocab allows words that have not been seen to be added to each class probability with a count of one.

Specified by:
smooth in interface SmootherB

Stanford NLP Group