A Bibliography of Electronic Payment Information

Digital Cash

  1. Cross Industry Work Team Report
  2. David Chaum's DigiCash. Link from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  3. CyberCash, Inc.
  4. Sandia Lab's Electronic Cash

Anonymous Credit Cards

  1. Bell Labs Description. FTP link no longer working. The link was ftp://ftp.research.att.com/dist/anoncc/anoncc.ps.Z
  2. Analysis of Collusion in above. FTP link no longer working. The link was ftp://ftp.research.att.com/dist/anoncc/collude.ps.Z.

Putting it all together

  1. Using Anonymous Credit Cards to pay for services. FTP link no longer working. The link was ftp://ftp.research.att.com/dist/anoncc/accinet.ps.Z.
  2. IISP's call for standards for Payment & Billing
  3. iKP Electronic Payment Protocols from IBM. Link from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  4. MIT Simple Network Payment Protocol
  5. CMU's NetBill System. Link from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  6. Open Market System
  7. PayMe: Secure Payment for World Wide Web Services
  8. Clickshare
  9. Ziplock. Link from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  10. Vishnu from HP Labs in Bristol, A Secure, Cheap and Exportable/Importable Method for Internet Electronic Payments
  11. Inter-Mark, credit card processing software. Link from Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  12. WebCharge. Link from Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  13. Digital Money, collect payments via modem, phone, fax, mail
  14. Interval
  15. Electronic Funds Clearinghouse

Electronic Checks

  1. BankNet
  2. Checkfree
  3. Electronic Funds Clearinghouse, Inc.
  4. FSTC Electronic Check Project
  5. NetChex
  6. Online Check Systems
  7. Redi-Check, pre-authorized check drafts
  8. Intell-a-Check


  1. Designing a Generic Payment Service
  2. E-Money FAQ compiled by Jim Miller
  3. Agenda for IETF project
  4. Electronic Money and Money in History
  5. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce


  1. Micro Payment Transfer Protocol (MPTP)
  2. Millicent
  3. PayWord and MicroMint
  4. NetCard from Cambridge University

Smart Cards

  1. Mondex on the Net
  2. NetFare

Pointers to Pages of Pointers

  1. Matthew Pierce's List of Electronic Payment Systems
  2. SIRENE's collection on Electronic Commerce
  3. W3C's list of Payment Systems
  4. NetBill's collection of related pointers. Link from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  5. Hal Varian's Electronic Commerce Links
  6. Jeff MacKie-Mason's extensive list of Net Commerce resources. Link from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This may take a few minutes.
  7. The SEMPER Project from Esprit