All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- about().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- about(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- about(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- aboutEach().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- aboutEach(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- aboutEach(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- aboutEachPrefix().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- aboutEachPrefix(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- aboutEachPrefix(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- acceptConnections().
Method in class
- acceptConnections(int).
Method in class
- add(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Adds a new triple to the model.
- add(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- add(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Adds a new triple to the message.
- add(Resource, Resource, String).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Adds a new triple to the model.
- add(Resource, Resource, String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- add(Resource, Resource, String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Adds a new triple to the message.
- add(String, Model).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Adds the schema model to the schema registry.
- add(String, Model).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- add(Triple).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Adds a new triple to the model.
- add(Triple).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- add(Triple).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- addAttribute(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- addChild(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- addError(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Generate an error message as a string
- addKnown(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Adds a schema URI to the list of known URIs.
- addKnown(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- addLoader(SchemaLoader).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Adds a new schema loader
- addLoader(SchemaLoader).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- Adds a new schema loader
- addTarget(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- addTriple(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Create a new triple and add it to the m_triples Vector
- addWarning(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Generate a warning message as a string
- AliasLoader().
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.AliasLoader
- assert(DataSource, Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.RDFConsumer
- assert is called every time a new statement within
RDF data model is added
- assert(DataSource, Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- assert is called every time a new statement within
RDF data model is added
- attributes().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- bagID().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- bagID(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- bagID(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- characters(char[], int, int).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- children().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- clone().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- close().
Method in class
- close().
Method in class
- Closes this input stream and releases any system resources
associated with the stream.
- close().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ReadUntilFilter
- compare(Object, Object, Object).
Method in interface org.ginf.helpers.Comparer
- Handle is used e.g.
- compare(Object, Object, Object).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- connect(String, Layer).
Method in class
- contains(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Tests if the registry contains schema located at the given URI.
- contains(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- contains(Triple).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Tests if the model contains the given triple.
- contains(Triple).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- contains(Triple).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Whether contains given triple
- containsLoader(SchemaLoader).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Tests whether contains loader
- containsLoader(SchemaLoader).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- Tests whether contains loader
- create().
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Creates empty model of the same Class
- create().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- create().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- createBags(boolean).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- createBags method allows one to determine whether SiRPAC
produces Bag instances for each Description block.
- createModel().
Method in interface org.ginf.RDFFactory
- Create an empty flat model.
- createModel().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFFactoryImpl
- createParser(String).
Static method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- createRDFMS().
Method in interface org.ginf.RDFFactory
- Creates a new RDFMS parser/serializer.
- createRDFMS().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFFactoryImpl
- createSchemaModel(Model).
Method in interface org.ginf.RDFFactory
- Create a schema-aware model using the given flat model.
- createSchemaModel(Model).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFFactoryImpl
- data().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Data
- Data(String).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Data
- Data(String, boolean).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Data
Static variable in class
- difference(Model).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Set difference with another model.
- difference(Model).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- difference(Model).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Set difference with another model
- dispatch(Model, Layer).
Method in class
- This method can be invoked by
1) client wishing to send (first time, next time)
2) server wishing to reply
Client sends: if there is a HTTP.Connection inside, take its state.
- dispatch(Model, Layer).
Method in interface org.ginf.Layer
- A processing request for the layer.
- doctype(String, String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- done().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- done(boolean).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- dumpModel(Model, PrintStream, RDFFactory).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Dumps the model in a serialized form.
- duplicate().
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Clone the model.
- duplicate().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- duplicate().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Cloning
- Element(String, AttributeList).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- elements().
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Enumerate triples
- elements().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- elements().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Enumeration of triples.
- end(DataSource).
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.RDFConsumer
- end is called when parsing of data is ended
- end(DataSource).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- end is called when parsing of data is ended
- endConsumers().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Notify all registered consumers that were
are at the end of the parsing process
- endDocument().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- endElement(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
For each end of an element scope step back in the
element and namespace stack
- EndOfRDFException().
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.EndOfRDFException
- equals(Object).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- equals(Object).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Resource
- equals(Object).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Triple
- error(SAXParseException).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Report all recoverable errors, and try to continue parsing.
- errors().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- fatalError(SAXParseException).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Report all fatal errors, and try to continue parsing.
- fetch(InputSource).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- A default method to load schemas from an InputSource
source.getSystemId() = schema URI
- fetch(InputSource).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- fetch(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- A callback method which is supposed to be invoked
by RDFMS (parser/serializer) when it
encounteres an unknown schema.
- fetch(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- fetchRDF().
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.DataSource
- start processing RDF (from the URI set by setURI)
- fetchRDF().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- fetchSchema(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- Overwrites fetchSchema method of SiRPAC
- fetchSchema(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- fetchSchemas(boolean).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Set whether parser recursively fetches and parses
every RDF schema it finds in the namespace declarations
- find(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- General method to search for triples.
- find(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- General matching method.
- find(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Search for triples.
- find1(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Search for a single triple.
- find1(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- find1(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Search for a single triple.
- get().
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Gets the complete schema information available
in a single model.
- get().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- get(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Gets the model of the schema located at URI.
- get(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- get1(Model).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Returns the first triple of the model
- getAttribute(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- getAttribute(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- getClosure().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- Returns a flat model in which
subClassOf and subPropertyOf are transitively closed
- getContainerProperties(Resource, Model).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Collects ordinal properties into a vector
- getLiteral().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- getName(String).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Delivers the name out of the URI (without the namespace prefix).
- getNS(String).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Extracts the namespace prefix out of a URI.
- getOrd(Resource).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Converts an ordinal property to an integer.
- getRDFSource().
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.DataSource
- Bean method for getting the RDFSource
- getRDFSource().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- getTripleVector(Model).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Collects the triples of a model in a vector.
- getURI().
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Returns current base URI setting.
- getURI().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- getURI().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- getXMLlang().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- hashCode().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.RDFnode
- hashCode().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Triple
- HTTPDecoder(InputStream).
Constructor for class
- HTTPEncoder(OutputStream).
Constructor for class
- HTTPLayer(RDFFactory).
Constructor for class
- HTTPLayer(String, RDFFactory).
Constructor for class
- ID().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- ID(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- ID(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- initDelimiter().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ReadUntilFilter
- initDelimiter(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ReadUntilFilter
- instanceOf(Resource, Resource, Model).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- isAlternative(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Is the element an Alternative
- isBag(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Is the element a Bag
- isClient().
Method in class
- isContainer(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Is the element a Container
- isDescription(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Is the element a Description
- isKnown(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Tests if the URI of the schema is known.
- isKnown(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- isListItem(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Is the element a ListItem
- isQualified(String).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Tests if the URI is qualified, i.e.
- isRDF(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Check if the element e is from the namespace
of the RDF schema by comparing only the beginning of
the expanded element name with the canonical RDFMS
- isRDF(Resource).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Tests if the resource belongs to the RDF syntax/model namespace.
- isRDF(String).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Tests if the URI belongs to the RDF syntax/model namespace.
- isRDFroot(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- isSequence(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Is the element a Sequence
- isTypedPredicate(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- This method matches all properties but those from RDF namespace
- isXML().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Data
- isXML().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- Is the literal well-formed XML markup?
- knownSchemas().
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Lists all known schemas
- knownSchemas().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- Lists all known schemas
- linearize(int, PrintStream).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Data
- linearize(int, PrintStream).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- listen_socket.
Variable in class
- listNamespaces().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Return all non-RDF namespace URIs recognized by the parser
- Literal().
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- Literal(String).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- Literal(String, boolean).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- loaders().
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Lists all registered loaders
- loaders().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- Lists all registered loaders
- loadSchema(String, RDFFactory).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.AliasLoader
- loadSchema(String, RDFFactory).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaLoader
- returns true if the loader feels responsible for loading this schema
Otherwise SchemaRegistry will ask another loaders.
- loadSchema(String, RDFFactory).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- loadSchema(Triple, Model, RDFFactory).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaController
- Load any schemas if necessary based on the
subject, predicate and object used in the triple
- lookforNode(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Look for a node by name sID from the Hashtable
m_hIDtable of all registered IDs.
- m_sURI.
Variable in class org.w3c.rdf.Resource
- main(String[]).
Static method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- main(String[]).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- main(String[]).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.QuickSort
- main(String[]).
Static method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- main method for running SiRPAC as an application
- makeAbsolute(String, String).
Static method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- Private methods for this class only
- makeMarkupChar(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- makeMarkupET(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- makeMarkupST(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- markSupported().
Method in class
- Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
- markSupported().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ReadUntilFilter
- Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
- ModelImpl().
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- ModelImpl(String).
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- name().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- namespace(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Return the full namespace URI for a given prefix sPrefix.
- newReificationID().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Create a new reification ID by using a name part and an
incremental counter m_iReificationCounter.
- noname().
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Creates a new unique unnamed resource.
- notationDecl(String, String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- object().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Triple
- ord(int).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Creates an ordinal property (rdf:li, rdf:_N)
- parse(InputSource).
Method in interface org.ginf.RDFMS
- Parse from the given SAX/XML input source.
- parse(InputSource).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- parseLiteral().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Methods to determine whether we are parsing
parseType="Literal" or parseType="Resource"
- parseResource().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- predicate().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Triple
- prefix().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- prefix(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- preserveWhiteSpace().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- printTriples(Model, PrintStream).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Prints the triples of a model to the given PrintStream.
- printTriples(PrintStream).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Print all triples to the ps PrintStream
- processDescription(Element, boolean, boolean, boolean).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- processDescription manages Description elements
- processingInstruction(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- processRDF(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Start processing an RDF/XML document instance from the
root element rdf.
- processTypedNode(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Manage the typedNode production in the RDF grammar.
- processXML(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Given an XML document (well-formed HTML, for example),
look for a suitable element to start parsing from
- RDFFactoryImpl().
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.RDFFactoryImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- RDFMSImpl(RDFFactory).
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- RDFnode().
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.RDFnode
Static variable in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- RDFUtil().
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- read().
Method in class
- Read a single character.
- read().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ReadUntilFilter
- read(byte[], int, int).
Method in class
- Read characters into a portion of an array.
- read(byte[], int, int).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ReadUntilFilter
- Read characters into a portion of an array, one by one.
- ReadUntilFilter(InputStream).
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.ReadUntilFilter
- register(RDFConsumer).
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.DataSource
- register a RDFConsumer object
- register(RDFConsumer).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- One can register multiple RDFConsumer objects which will
receive notifications about new triples
- registerID(String, Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Add an element e to the Hashtable m_hIDtable
which stores all nodes with an ID
- registerResource(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Add an element e to the Vector m_vResources
which stores all nodes with an URI
- registry().
Method in interface org.ginf.RDFFactory
- Get the schema registry.
- registry().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFFactoryImpl
- remove(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Removes a schema model out of the registry.
- remove(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- remove(Triple).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Removes the triple from the model.
- remove(Triple).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- remove(Triple).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Removes the triple from the message.
- removeAttribute(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- removeKnown(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Removes schema URI from the list of known schemas.
- removeKnown(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- removeLoader(SchemaLoader).
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaRegistry
- Removes schema loader
- removeLoader(SchemaLoader).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- Removes schema loader
- removeNamespace(String, Model).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- Removes all triples which have something to do with the given namespace
- resolve().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Go through the m_vResolveQueue and assign
direct object reference for each symbolic reference
- resolveEntity(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- resolveLater(Element).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Add the element e to the m_vResolveQueue
to be resolved later.
- resource().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- Resource().
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Resource
- resource(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- Resource(String).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Resource
- resource(String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
Static variable in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- root().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Return the root element pointer.
- run().
Method in class
- run().
Method in class
- SchemaModelImpl(SchemaRegistryImpl, Model).
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Works only with SchemaRegistryImpl!
Peer model must be a flat model.
- SchemaRegistryImpl(RDFFactory).
Constructor for class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaRegistryImpl
- Uses model m as a factory to create a new model
to hold complete schema information.
- serialize(Model, Writer).
Method in interface org.ginf.RDFMS
- Serialize a given model into an XML character output stream.
- serialize(Model, Writer).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- set(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Data
- setAlias(String, String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.AliasLoader
- Sets an alias for the schema URI.
- setConnectionPriority(int).
Method in class
- setDocumentLocator(Locator).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- setLiteral(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- setRDFSource(InputSource).
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.DataSource
- Bean method for setting the RDFSource
- setRDFSource(InputSource).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- setSchemaController(SchemaController).
Method in class
- setSchemaController(SchemaController).
Method in interface org.ginf.RDFMS
- Overloads standard schema loading policy of the parser
(which could be, for example, to call schema registry to fetch unknown
- setSchemaController(SchemaController).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- setSource(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- setSource methods saves the name of the source document for
later inspection if needed
- setURI(String).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Set a base URI for the message.
- setURI(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- setURI(String).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- setXMLlang(String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- The language of a literal can be managed separately
from the RDF data model with the xml:lang attribute
- SiRPAC().
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- SiRPAC(String).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- size().
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Number of triples in the model
- size().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- size().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Number of triples.
- sort(Vector).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.QuickSort
- sort(Vector, Comparer, Object).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.QuickSort
- Takes a vector of objects as input and sorts them
- source().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- start(DataSource).
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.RDFConsumer
- start is called when parsing of data is started
- start(DataSource).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFMSImpl
- start is called when parsing of data is started
- startConsumers().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Notify all registered consumers that were
are about to start parsing
- startDocument().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- startElement(String, AttributeList).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Called for each new element.
- subject().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Triple
- subPropertyOf(Resource, Resource, Model).
Static method in class org.ginf.helpers.RDFUtil
- target().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- targets().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Element
- threadgroup.
Variable in class
- toString().
Method in class
- toString().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Literal
- toString().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- toString().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.RDFnode
- toString().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Resource
- toString().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.Triple
- Triple(Resource, Resource, RDFnode).
Constructor for class org.w3c.rdf.Triple
- The parameters to constructor are instances of classes
and not just strings
- triples().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Return all created triples in an Enumeration instance
- union(Model).
Method in interface org.ginf.Model
- Set union with another model.
- union(Model).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.ModelImpl
- union(Model).
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Set union with another model
- unparsedEntityDecl(String, String, String, String).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Display unparsed entity declarations as they are reported.
- unregister(RDFConsumer).
Method in interface org.w3c.rdf.DataSource
- unregister a RDFConsumer object
- unregister(RDFConsumer).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Remove an RDFConsumer object from SiRPAC
- validate().
Method in interface org.ginf.SchemaModel
- Validates the model according to the schema specification.
- validate().
Method in class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl
- Validates a model.
- warning(SAXParseException).
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- Report all warnings, and continue parsing.
- warnings().
Method in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC
- write(byte[], int, int).
Method in class
- write(int).
Method in class
Static variable in class org.w3c.rdf.SiRPAC