[DigLib] Stanford Digital Library Technologies [Working Papers]

Old Working Paper List - Not used after 2001-11-01

The following papers are subject to revision, but may be tracked through their working paper numbers. Some of the working papers are for internal use only, and access to their full text requires a password.

Conceptual models for comparison of digital library systems and approaches by Terry Winograd. Created on 11/21/94; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(This is a working draft and open to discussion and debate at all levels. I had thought about trying to do it more thoroughly before distribution, but decided not to for two reasons. First, time is important -- decisions need to be made in various aspects of the digital library project that may be determined by some of these issues. Second, by leaving it as rough as it is (especially the second half) it accurately conveys the fact that it is not a polished reference source, but a set of issues to provoke relevant discussions.)
Why you won't be buying and selling information yourself by Terry Winograd. Created on 12/17/94; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(This was a message sent out to provoke discussion on the basic economics of electronic publishing that will underlie the digital library services.)
Lightweight objects for the digital library by Terry Winograd. Created on 1/2/95; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(This was a message to initiate discussion about our use of objects. The concepts are being further developed and cleaned up as we go)
Working assumptions about the digital library by Vicki Reich and Terry Winograd. Created on 2/23/95; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(This is a working document which we may continue to revise. It is currently being made semi-public, for discussion, but not as an official declaration of our project views.)
The Proxy is where it's at! by Terry Winograd. Created on 6/24/95; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(Email sent out to the project to provoke discussion about the ways in which network services will be provided.)
A proposal for basing our protocols on a general information exchange level by Terry Winograd. Created on 6/5/95; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(This proposal was in response to more specific protocols for the initial interoperability experiment and is the basis for further discussion. It is still under revision.)
Modes of Information Integration by Terry Winograd. Created on 6/24/95; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(This grew out of discussions at the Digital Libraries Initiative meetings in Illinois in April, 1995, in the subcomittee looking into frameworks for intergration. It is a starting point for discussion, not a finished document.)
Content Ratings, and Other Third-Party Value-Added Information: Defining an Enabling Platform by Martin Roscheisen, Terry Winograd, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 07/28/95; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(Version of the paper published in the CNRI Journal.)
General Certificates by Martin Roscheisen. Created on 08/10/95; last updated on 8/17/1995.
(This document is a working paper where I lay out my current understanding of some issues related to certificates using public-key cryptography in order to learn more about accuracy of reasoning, practices of companies involved, and reasonable future trade-offs. It is part of the contract negotiation framework for content and access control which I am developing as part of the Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project. This draft uses the notation of the public-key standards (ASN.1); ISL will be used elsewhere.)
Using Distributed Objects for Digital Library Interoperability by Andreas Paepcke Steve B. Cousins Hector Garcia-Molina Scott W. Hassan Steven K. Ketchpel Martin Roscheisen Terry Winograd. Created on 07/01/95; last updated on 6/23/1998.
(Title changed to "Using Distributed Objects for Digital Library Interoperability" although the text still has the old title.)
Making Trust Explicit in Distributed Commerce Transactions by Steven P. Ketchpel Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 09/25/95; last updated on 10/12/1995.
(Really the final version we submitted to Distributed Computing Systems conference.)
Techniques and Tools for Making Sense out of Heterogeneous Search Service Results by Michelle Q Wang Baldonado and Terry Winograd. Created on 10/16/95; last updated on 12/14/1995.
(Subject to revision in 1/96.)
Boolean Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources by Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 10/22/95; last updated on 4/15/1997.
(Appeared in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 1996. See also SIDL-WP-1996-0044 for the extended version. )
An Adaptive Agent for Automated Web Browsing by Marko Balabanovic, Yoav Shoham, Yeogirl Yun . Created on 11/9/95; last updated on 2/22/1996.
(No change but now it is public.)
A Communication Agreement Framework of Access Control by Martin Roscheisen and Terry Winograd. Created on 11/04/96; last updated on 1/29/1996.
(Published in IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy.)
A Task-Oriented Interface to a Digital Library by Steve B. Cousins. Created on 9/13/95; last updated on 12/15/1995.
(This paper was submitted as a short paper to the CHI'96 conference. The postscript version that was submitted as "camera-ready" is available from http://www-pcd.stanford.edu/cousins/papers/chi95/final.ps )
Survey of the Six DLI Projects by Rebecca Lasher. Created on 1/10/95; last updated on 10/21/1999.
(Data for this survey was collected throughout 1995. As the DLI projects develop some of the information will change. )
Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System by Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 01/25/96; last updated on 3/26/1999.
(Final version appeared in ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan. 1999.)
A User Interaction Model for Browsing Based on Category-Level Operations by Michelle Q Wang Baldonado and Terry Winograd. Created on 02/01/96; last updated on 7/12/1996.
(Now publicly available.)
From User Access Patterns to Dynamic Hypertext Linking by Tak Woon Yan Matthew Jacobsen Hector Garcia-Molina Umeshwar Dayal . Created on 01/29/96; last updated on 2/5/1996.
(Written to be submitted to the Fifth World Wide Web Conference May 1996. )
Reducing Initial Latency in a Multimedia Storage System by Edward Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 02/06/96; last updated on 5/1/1996.
(This paper is accepted and will appear in IW-MMDBMS'96. The camera-ready version will appear in the published paper list when available.)
Toward Optimal Feature Selection by Daphne Koller and Mehran Sahami. Created on 2/1/96; last updated on 2/22/1996.
(This paper has been submitted to the 1996 International Conference on Machine Learning. )
Applying the Multiple Cause Mixture Model to Text Categorization by Mehran Sahami, Marti Hearst, and Eric Saund. Created on 2/4/96; last updated on 2/22/1996.
(This paper will appear in the 1996 AAAI Spring Symposium on Machine Learning in Information Access.)
Combining CORBA and the World-Wide Web in the Stanford Digital Library Project by Andreas Paepcke and Scott Hassan. Created on 02/25/96; last updated on 5/1/1996.
(Final (HTML) version of position paper for OMG's WWW/CORBA workshop in June.)
Information Needs in Technical Work Settings and their Implications for the Design of Computer Tools by Andreas Paepcke. Created on 2/29/96; last updated on 2/29/1996.
(To appear in CSCW Journal, Kluwer Academic Publishers. )
Towards Wide-Area Distributed Interfaces by Steve B. Cousins Andreas Paepcke Scott W. Hassan Terry Winograd. Created on 04/26/96; last updated on 2/13/1997.
UPAI: A Universal Payment Application Interface by Steven Ketchpel, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke, Scott Hassan, Steve Cousins. Created on mm/dd/yy; last updated on 9/26/1996.
(Separates Payment Control Record "ContextID" (used to link to invoice) and "RefID" (uniquifier for this payment) since there might be multiple payments per invoice.)
A Sound and Complete Distributed Algorithm for Distributed Commerce Transactions by Steven P. Ketchpel Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 06/27/96; last updated on 10/23/1996.
(Complete version with all proofs. )
An Adaptive Web Page Recommendation Service by Marko Balabanovic. Created on 07/05/96; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomous Agents, p. 378-85 ACM)
Addressing Heterogeneity in the Networked Information Environment by Michelle Q Wang Baldonado Steve B. Cousins. Created on 6/25/96; last updated on 7/12/1996.
(Submitted to the journal "Review of Information Networking".)
STARTS: Stanford Protocol Proposal for Internet Retrieval and Search by Luis Gravano, Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 7/22/96; last updated on 4/15/1997.
(New title: STARTS: Stanford Protocol Proposal for Internet Retrieval and Search )
Boolean Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (Extended Version) by Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 7/31/96; last updated on 4/15/1997.
(This paper is an extended version of the paper entitled "Boolean Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources" (SIDL-WP-1995-0022) appeared in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4, August 1996.)
Minimizing Memory Requirements in Media Servers by Edward Chang and Yi-Yin Chen. Created on 8/13/96; last updated on 2/12/1997.
(Add applications to the theorems.)
Presenting HTML Structure in Audio: User Satisfaction with Audio Hypertext by Frankie James. Created on 08/27/96; last updated on 8/27/1996.
(Extended version of paper to appear in proceedings of ICAD '96. )
Publicly Available On-line Recommendation Services by Marko Balabanovic. Created on 9/16/96; last updated on 9/16/1996.
(Prepared for the Communications of the ACM special issue on recommender systems, to appear March 1997.)
SenseMaker: An Information-Exploration Interface Supporting the Contextual Evolution of a User's Interests by Michelle Q Wang Baldonado Terry Winograd. Created on 09/19/96; last updated on 12/13/1996.
(To appear in Proceedings of CHI '97.)
The Digital Library Integrated Task Environment (DLITE) by Steve B. Cousins, Andreas Paepcke, Terry Winograd, Eric A. Bier, Ken Pier. Created on 9/20/96; last updated on 1/14/1997.
(Submitted to DL'97)
Effective Memory Use in a Media Server by Edward Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 09/30/96; last updated on 6/30/1997.
(The final version accepted by VLDB'97)
The Stanford Digital Library Metadata Architecture by Michelle Baldonado, Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Luis Gravano, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 10/14/96; last updated on 4/15/1997.
(Revised version to appear in the International Journal of Digital Libraries. Fixed the problem of postscript figures in the previous version. )
Shopping Models: A Flexible Architecture for Information Commerce by Steven P. Ketchpel, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 11/09/96; last updated on 6/15/1997.
(The final version that appears in the published proceedings.)
Evaluating the Cost of Boolean Query Mapping by Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on mm/dd/yy; last updated on 4/30/1997.
(Final version to appear in ACM Digital Libraries '97.)
Stanford Digital Library Interoperability Protocol by Scott Hassan Andreas Paepcke. Created on 09/12/96; last updated on 1/13/1997.
(No comment)
Metadata for Digital Libraries: Architecture and Design Rationale by Michelle Baldonado, Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Luis Gravano, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 1/13/97; last updated on 4/30/1997.
(Final version to appear in ACM Digital Libraries '97.)
Real-time Full-text Clustering of Networked Documents (Abstract) by Mehran Sahami, Salim Yusufali, and Michelle Q. Wang Baldonado. Created on 1/8/97; last updated on 2/25/1997.
(Submitted to AAAI-97 as a student abstract)
Responsive Interaction for a Large Web Application The Meteor Shower Architecture in the WebWriter II Editor by Arturo Crespo, Bay-Wei Chang, Eric A. Bier. Created on 02/25/97; last updated on 2/25/1997.
(Paper accepted in the 6th International World Wide Web Conference )
Hierarchically classifying documents using very few words by Daphne Koller and Mehran Sahami. Created on 1/21/97; last updated on 2/25/1997.
(Submitted to the 1997 International Conference on Machine Learning)
WebWriter: A Browser-Based Editor for Constructing Web Applications by Arturo Crespo, Eric A. Bier. Created on 05/01/96; last updated on 2/26/1997.
(Presented in the Fifth International World Wide Web Conference. Held: Paris, France, 6-10 May 1996. COMPUTER NETWORKS AND ISDN SYSTEMS (May 1996) vol.28, no.7-11, p. 1291-306.)
A Standard Textual Interchange Format for the Object Exchange Model (OEM) by Roy Goldman, Sudarshan Chawathe, Arturo Crespo, Jason McHugh. Created on 12/01/96; last updated on 3/7/1997.
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Image Transmission and Reconstruction Schemes for Mobile Computing by Edward Chang. Created on 03/10/97; last updated on 1/14/2000.
(Proceedings of the 5th IDMS (Springer-Verlag LNCS #1483), p.137-148, Oslo, Norway, September 1998. Title = An Image Coding and Reconstruction Scheme for Mobile Computing.)
Merging Ranks from Heterogeneous Internet Sources by Luis Gravano, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 2/21/1997; last updated on 1/14/2000.
(Appeared in "Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Very Large Databases, p. 196-205". )
BubbleUp -- Low Latency Fast-Scan for Media Servers by Edward Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 06/01/97; last updated on 7/7/1997.
(To appear in ACM Multimedia, November 1997.)
The Stanford InfoBus and Its Service Layers: Augmenting the Internet with Higher-Level Information Management Protocols by Martin Roscheisen, Michelle Baldonado, Kevin Chang, Luis Gravano, Steven Ketchpel, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 07/04/97; last updated on 1/14/2000.
(Appeared in "Digital libraries in computer science: the MeDoc approach, p.213-30, Springer-Verlag, 1998." )
How to build a DLITE component by Steve B. Cousins. Created on 08/20/97; last updated on 8/19/1997.
(This paper is a reference for people trying to extend DLITE. )
Stanford DLITE User Study by Mark Mortensen. Created on 07/01/07; last updated on 8/22/1997.
(Added appendices with screen shots.)
Hi-Cites: Dynamically Created Citations with Active Highlighting by Michelle Q Wang Baldonado and Terry Winograd. Created on 09/03/97; last updated on 1/14/2000.
(Appeared in "CHI 98. Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI 98 Conference Proceedings, p. 408-15")
Proposal for I**3 Client Server Protocol by Hector Garcia-Molina Andreas Paepcke. Created on 09/02/96; last updated on 8/28/1997.
(This is a metacomment. Please disregard.)
A GUI-Based Version of the SenseMaker Interface for Information Exploration by Michelle Q Wang Baldonado and Terry Winograd. Created on 09/03/97; last updated on 9/12/1997.
(Extended abstract for video submitted to CHI '98 )
A Sound and Complete Algorithm for Distributed Commerce Transactions by Steven P. Ketchpel and Hector Garcia Molina. Created on 09/20/97; last updated on 1/14/2000.
(Distributed Computing, vol.12, no.1, p. 13-29, 0178-2770 Springer-Verlag 1999 )
Competitive Sourcing for Internet Commerce by Steven P. Ketchpel and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 09/28/97; last updated on 3/14/1998.
(Final version to appear in DCS '98)
MEDIC: A Memory & Disk Cache for Multimedia Clients by Edward Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 10/27/97; last updated on 11/1/1998.
(The extended version for the paper submitted to IEEE Multimedia'99)
Distinguishability vs. Distraction in Audio HTML Interfaces by Frankie James. Created on 10/21/97; last updated on 11/6/1997.
(Submitted to CHI '98. )
Cost-Based Media Server Design by Edward Chang and Hector Garcia Molina. Created on 11/16/97; last updated on 12/20/1997.
(To appear in IEEE Research Issues in Data Engineering, 1998)
Lessons from Developing Audio HTML Interfaces by Frankie James. Created on 11/11/97; last updated on 1/14/2000.
(ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies Proceedings of the third international ACM conference on Assistive technologies. April 15-17, 1998, Marina del Rey, CA USA, pages 27-34.)
Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System by Chen-Chuan K. Chang Hector Garcia-Molina Andreas Paepcke. Created on 12/16/97; last updated on 3/26/1999.
(Final version appeared in ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan. 1999.)
A Network-Centric Design for Relationship-Based Rights Management by Martin Roscheisen. Created on 12/05/97; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(Dissertation also an article of this title appears in Journal of Computer Security, vol.5, no.3, p. 249-54, 0926-227X IOS Press 1997 )
Archival Storage for Digital Libraries by Arturo Crespo, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 01/19/98; last updated on 1/21/1998.
(Submitted to the Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries.)
Conjunctive Constraint Mapping for Data Translation by Chen-Chuan K. Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 1/19/98; last updated on 4/20/1998.
(Camera-ready copy for ACM DL'98.)
Collaborative value filtering on the Web by Gerard Rodriguez-Mula Hector Garcia-Molina Andreas Paepcke. Created on mm/dd/yy; last updated on 1/14/2000.
( 7th International World Wide Web Conference Brisbane, Qld., Australia 14-18 April 1998. Comput. Netw. ISDN Syst. (Netherlands), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol.30, no.1-7, p. 736-8, 0169-7552 )
An Extensible Constructor Tool for the Rapid, Interactive Design of Query Synthesizers by Michelle Baldonado, Seth Katz, Andreas Paepcke,Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Terry Winograd. Created on 1/19/98; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(Digital 98 Libraries. Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, p. 19-28 )
SONIA: A Service for Organizing Networked Information Autonomously by Mehran Sahami, Salim Yusufali, and Michelle Q. W. Baldonado. Created on 1/19/98; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(Digital 98 Libraries. Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, p. 200-9 )
Interoperability for Digital Libraries Worldwide by Andreas Paepcke and Chen-Chuan K. Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina and Terry Winograd. Created on 02/03/98; last updated on 2/3/1998.
(To appear in CACM, April, 1998 )
Front-End Query Language by Chen-Chuan K. Chang. Created on 6/25/97; last updated on 2/3/1998.
(Documentation of our testbed query language.)
2D BubbleUp: Managing Parallel Disks for Media Servers by Edward Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, and Chen Li. Created on 02/17/98; last updated on 11/30/1998.
(Appeared in the Proceedings of FODO'98, Kobe, Japan, November 1998. )
A Probabilistic Approach to Full-Text Document Clustering by Moises Goldszmidt and Mehran Sahami. Created on 1/22/98; last updated on 3/2/1998.
(Sumbitted to the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 1998 )
A Generalized Digital Wallet Architecture by Neil Daswani, Dan Boneh, Hector Garcia-Molina, Steven Ketchpel, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 03/12/98; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce, p. 121-39 )
RIME: A Replicated Image Detector for World Wide Web by Edward Chang, James Ze Wang, and Gio Wiederhold. Created on 04/08/98; last updated on 11/30/1998.
(Appeared in the Proceedings of SPIE'98, Boston )
Mind Your Vocabulary: Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (Extended Version) by Chen-Chuan K. Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 3/20/98; last updated on 5/28/1999.
(Extended version referenced in the corresponding SIGMOD99 paper.)
Building the InfoBus: A Review of Technical Choices in the Stanford Digital Library Project by Andreas Paepcke Michelle Baldonado Chen-Chuan K. Chang Steve Cousins Hector Garcia-Molina . Created on 06/14/98; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(Computer, vol.32, no.2, p. 80-7, 0018-9162 IEEE Comput. Soc Feb. 1999 12 Refs. Under the title "Using distributed objects to build the Stanford digital library Infobus".)
Beyond Document Similarity: Understanding Value-Based Search and Browsing Technologies by Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molina, Gerard Rodriquez-Mula, Junghoo Cho. Created on 10/24/98; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(To Appear in ACM SIGMOD Record in the year 2000)
Clindex - Clustering for Similarity Queries in High-Dimensional Spaces by Chen Li, Edward Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, James Ze Wang, Gio Widerhold. Created on 11/01/98; last updated on 6/25/1999.
(New version submitted to ICDE'99)
Efficient Crawling Through URL Ordering by Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina, Lawrence Page. Created on 12/30/97; last updated on 2/18/1999.
(Published in WWW7 conference)
Clustering for Searching Near-Replicas of Images on the World-Wide Web by Edward Chang, Chen Li, and James Wang. Created on 11/30/98; last updated on 2/22/1999.
(Internal Report only. Not planning for submission.)
Where Have You Been? A Comparison of Three Web Tracking Technologies by Onn Brandman, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 03/08/98; last updated on 6/18/1999.
(Submitted to WebKDD99)
Mind Your Vocabulary: Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources by Chen-Chuan K. Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 3/14/99; last updated on 5/27/1999.
(Final (camera-ready) version for ACM SIGMOD '99. )
Grassroots: a System Providing a Uniform Framework for Communicating, Structuring, Sharing Information, and Organizing People by Kenichi Kamiya, Martin Roscheisen, Terry Winograd. Created on 07/27/99; last updated on 7/27/1999.
(The paper was originally published Dec. 3, 1995)
Generalizing GlOSS to Vector-Space Databases and Broker Hierarchies by Luis Gravano, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 07/30/99; last updated on 7/30/1999.
(This working paper was originally published in April 1995. )
Power Browser: Efficient Web Browsing for PDAs by Orkut Buyukkokten, Hector Garcia Molina, Andreas Paepcke, Terry Winograd. Created on 9/12/99; last updated on 3/19/2000.
(Submitted to Chi 2000)
Synchronizing a database to Improve Freshness by Junghoo Cho and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 10/25/99; last updated on 10/25/1999.
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Finding near-replicas of documents on the web. by Narayanan Shivakumar, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 03/01/98; last updated on 11/11/1999.
(Proceedings of Workshop on Web Databases (WebDB'98) held in conjunction with EDBT'98, Mar. 1998.)
Finding replicated web collections by Junghoo Cho, Narayanan Shivakumar and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 10/25/99; last updated on 10/25/1999.
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Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web. by Sergey Brin. Created on 03/01/98; last updated on 11/11/1999.
(WebDB Workshop at EDBT'98)
The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. by Lawrence Page, Sergey Brin, Rajeev Motwani, and Terry Winograd. Created on 01/29/98; last updated on 11/11/1999.
(A work in progress.)
Computing Iceberg Queries Efficiently. by Min Fang, Narayanan Shivakumar, Hector Garcia-Molina, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman. Created on 08/01/98; last updated on 11/11/1999.
(In Internaational Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB'98), New York, August 1998.)
Dynamic Data Mining: Exploring Large Rule Spaces by Sampling. by Sergey Brin, Lawrence Page. Created on 02/23/98; last updated on 11/11/1999.
(Work in progress)
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. by Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page. Created on 04/14/98; last updated on 1/18/2000.
(Comput. Netw. ISDN Syst. (Netherlands), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol.30, no.1-7, p. 107-17, 0169-7552 Elsevier April 1998 )
WebBase: A repository of web pages by Jun Hirai Sriram Raghavan Hector Garcia-Molina Andreas Paepcke. Created on 11/22/99; last updated on 2/29/2000.
(Camera-ready version submitted to the 9th Intl. WWW Conference)
InfoMonitor: Unobtrusively archiving a World Wide Web server. by Brian Cooper, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 10/15/1999; last updated on 5/2/2000.
(This paper describes the InfoMonitor. )
A Mediation Infrastructure for Digital Library Services by Sergey Melnik, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke. Created on 12/01/99; last updated on 12/1/1999.
(Submitted to ACM Digital Libraries 2000)
Implementing a Reliable Digital Object Archive by Brian Cooper, Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 12/01/1999; last updated on 5/2/2000.
(This paper discusses the implementation of the Stanford Archival Vault, SAV. It has been submitted for publication to ACM DL 2000.)
Focused Web Searching with PDAs by Orkut Buyukkokten Hector Garcia-Molina Andreas Paepcke. Created on 11/22/99; last updated on 3/19/2000.
(Submitted to WWW9)
The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental Crawler by Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 11/20/99; last updated on 12/2/1999.
(Meta-information about the history of this document goes here. These comments are public. )
Modeling Archival Repositories for Digital Libraries by Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 12/01/99; last updated on 12/2/1999.
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Modeling Archival Repositories for Digital Libraries (Extended Version} by Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 12/1/99; last updated on 12/2/1999.
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PDAs as Remote Interactive Devices Using Native Code by Henry Berg. Created on 12/08/99; last updated on 12/8/1999.
(Short status note on software that connects the Palm Pilot to other devices via a serial link.)
Search Middleware and the Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol (Long Version) by Andreas Paepcke, Robert Brandriff, Greg Janee, Ray Larson, Bertram Ludaescher, Sergey Melnik, and Sriram Raghavan. Created on 02/17/00; last updated on 2/17/2000.
(Longer version of article appearing in March 2000 issue of DLIB Magazine. )
Search Middleware and the Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol by Andreas Paepcke, Robert Brandriff, Greg Janee, Ray Larson, Bertram Ludaescher, Sergey Melnik, and Sriram Raghavan. Created on 02/17/00; last updated on 2/17/2000.
(Appearing in March 2000 issue of DLIB Magazine. )
Exploiting geographical location information of web pages by Orkut Buyukkokten, Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina and Luis Gravano. Created on 06/03/99; last updated on 5/2/2000.
(Proceedings of Workshop on Web Databases (WebDB'99) held in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD'99, June 1999)
Efficient Query Subscription Processing in a Multicast Environment by Arturo Crespo, Orkut Buyukkokten, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 02/28/00; last updated on 5/2/2000.
(Short version. Published in ICDE'2000 )
Crawler-Friendly Web Servers by Onn Brandman, Junghoo Cho, Narayanan Shivakumar, Hector Garcia-Molina . Created on 3/8/00; last updated on 5/1/2000.
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Crawler-Friendly Web Servers by Onn Brandman, Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina, Narayanan Shivakumar. Created on 03/08/00; last updated on 5/4/2000.
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Building a Distributed Full-Text Index for the Web by Sergey Melnik Sriram Raghavan Beverly Yang Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 07/31/2000; last updated on 7/31/2000.
(Extended technical report version of paper submitted to ICDE 2001)
Building a Distributed Full-Text Index for the Web by Sergey Melnik Sriram Raghavan Beverly Yang Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 08/01/2000; last updated on 11/22/2000.
(Version submitted to WWW10)
Efficient Query Subscription Processing in a Multicast Environment by Arturo Crespo, Orkut Buyukkokten, Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 06/16/99; last updated on 5/2/2000.
(Extended Version. An extended abstract was published in ICDE'00. )
Crawler-Friendly Web Servers by Onn Brandman, Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina, Narayanan Shivakumar. Created on 12/1/99; last updated on 6/3/2000.
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Accordion Summarization for End-Game Browsing on PDAs and Cellular Phones by Orkut Buyukkokten, Hector Garcia-Molina, and Andreas Paepcke. Created on 09/09/00; last updated on 11/15/2000.
(In CHI 2001 (Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) )
Efficient Web Form Entry on PDAs by Oliver Kaljuvee, Orkut Buyukkokten, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke . Created on 11/12/00; last updated on 2/23/2001.
(The 10th International WWW Conference)
Seeing the Whole in Parts: Text Summarization for Web Browsing on Handheld Devices by Orkut Buyukkokten , Hector Garcia-Molina , Andreas Paepcke . Created on 11/12/00; last updated on 2/24/2001.
(The 10th International WWW Conference )
Multicasting a Web Repository by Wang Lam and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 11/16/00; last updated on 11/16/2000.
(Submitted for publication.)
Comparing Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Systems by Beverly Yang and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 11/29/00; last updated on 8/7/2001.
(VLDB 2001)
Crawling the Hidden Web by Sriram Raghavan Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 11/16/00; last updated on 11/22/2000.
(Submitted to WWW10 )
Searching the Web by Arvind Arasu Junghoo Cho Hector Garcia-Molina Andreas Paepcke Sriram Raghavan . Created on 11/2000; last updated on 12/15/2000.
(Submitted to inaugural issue of ACM TOIT)
Multicasting a Web Repository by Wang Lam and Hector Garcia-Molina. Created on 11/2000; last updated on 2/22/2001.
(Submitted for publication.)
Power Email: Efficient Email Entry on Pen-Based Handheld Devices by Orkut Buyukkokten Hector Garcia-Molina Andreas Paepcke Terry Winograd. Created on 09/13/01; last updated on 9/28/2001.
(Submitted to CHI '02 )
[Stanford] [DigLib] [Working papers]
