====== Sample Script ====== This script, drawn from the "crime-solver" sample application, illustrates some Trio commands and queries. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Creating tables and indexes, inserting data --------------------------------------------------------------------- create table CRIME(type varchar(32), sector int); create index CS_INDEX on CRIME(sector); insert into CRIME values ('Kidnapping', 1); insert into CRIME values ('Car theft', 2); insert into CRIME values ('Robbery', 2); create table WITNESS(name varchar(32), sector int); insert into WITNESS values ('Mary', 2); insert into WITNESS values ('Susan', 1); insert into WITNESS values ('Jane', 1); create table PERSON(name varchar(32), hair varchar(32), clothes varchar(32)); insert into PERSON values ('Jim', 'black', 'red'); insert into PERSON values ('Hank', 'brown', 'green'); insert into PERSON values ('Bob', 'gray', 'blue'); create trio table SAWPERSON(witness varchar(32), hair varchar(32), clothes varchar(32), uncertain(hair, clothes)); create index SHC_INDEX on SAWPERSON(hair,clothes); insert into SAWPERSON values ('Mary', 'black', ['red' | 'green']); insert into SAWPERSON values ('Jane', 'gray', 'blue'); insert into SAWPERSON values ('Jane', 'brown', 'green') ?; insert into SAWPERSON values [ ('Susan', 'gray', 'red') | ('Susan', 'brown', 'red') | ('Susan', 'brown', 'green') ]; create trio table DRIVES(person varchar(32), car varchar(32), uncertain(person,car)) with confidences; create index DC_INDEX on DRIVES(car); insert into DRIVES values [('Jim', 'Honda'):1]; insert into DRIVES values (['Hank':0.6 | 'Jim':0.3], 'Toyota':1); insert into DRIVES values ('Bob':1, ['Toyota':0.5 | 'Mazda':0.3]); create trio table SAWCAR(witness varchar(32), car varchar(32), uncertain(car)) with confidences; insert into SAWCAR values [('Susan', 'Honda') :1]; insert into SAWCAR values ('Mary':1, 'Toyota':0.7); insert into SAWCAR values [ ('Jane', 'Toyota' ) :0.5 | ('Jane', 'Honda') :0.4]; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Running queries --------------------------------------------------------------------- create table SUSPECT_S as select PERSON.name as suspect, CRIME.type as crime from SAWPERSON, WITNESS, CRIME, PERSON where SAWPERSON.witness = WITNESS.name and CRIME.sector = WITNESS.sector and PERSON.hair = SAWPERSON.hair and PERSON.clothes = SAWPERSON.clothes; select DRIVES.person as suspect, CRIME.type as crime from SAWCAR, WITNESS, CRIME, DRIVES where SAWCAR.witness = WITNESS.name and WITNESS.sector = CRIME.sector and DRIVES.car = SAWCAR.car; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dropping indexes and tables --------------------------------------------------------------------- drop index CS_INDEX; drop table SUSPECT_S; drop table CRIME; drop table WITNESS; drop table DRIVES; drop table PERSON; drop table SAWCAR; drop table SAWPERSON;