===== Currently-Supported DDL and Insert Commands ===== See this [[sample script]] for examples of exact syntax. * Create Table * Create Trio Table * Create Index * Drop Table *Including "Cascade" option to drop derived tables * Drop Index * Insert Into T Values * With or without alternatives, confidence values, and ? * T must be a base table * Insert Into T * T must be a base table ===== Currently-Supported Subset of TriQL Query Language ===== See the [[http://infolab.stanford.edu/~widom/triql.html |TriQL Language Manual]] for syntax, descriptions, and examples. Example queries can also be seen in the **Samples** tab. * Select-Project-Join queries * Create Table T as * Select Distinct * Aggregate functions: low, high, and expected for five standard aggregates * Order By, including by Confidences * Limitation: may not be combined with Distinct or GroupAlts * Limitation: Order By Confidences may not be combined with Merged * Union, Intersect, or Except of two subqueries (duplicate-eliminating) * Union All of two subqueries * Merged, Flatten, and GroupAlts * Horizontal subqueries in Where clause * Including shortcuts and aggregation/group-by/having * Horizontal subqueries in Select clause * Including shortcuts and aggregation but not group-by/having * Conf() function with any number of tables or Conf(*) * except for Conf(*) in the Select clause in conjunction with Distinct or Merged * Maybe() predicate * Extraneous() predicate * "Uniform " in From clause * "as conf" for query-defined result confidence values * Including "Uniform as conf" and "Scaled as conf" * "Compute Confidences" at end of query * Lineage() predicate * Not in horizontal subqueries * "==>" abbreviation allowed * NoLineage, NoConf, and NoMaybe